Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Official Postponement Announcement

Planned AAPG/EAGE Second PNG Petroleum Conference slated for February 2023 deferredIn February 2020, shortly before the world was gripped by the Covid pandemic, the AAPG and EAGE held the First AAPG/EAGE Papua New Guinea Petroleum Geoscience Conference and Exhibition in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG). It was a great success with over 250 people attending three days of talks about the exciting petroleum geology of Papua New Guinea.  That event came twenty years since the last comprehensive stocktake of the understanding of PNG’s petroleum geology, so there was much to talk about.

We had initially planned to build on the success of the 2020 conference by holding a second edition in February 2023, however during the ensuing years when Covid restricted activities, no new exploration was carried out in PNG leaving us with relatively less new technical content. 

It is hoped that as exploration recommences and major field developments are planned and get underway, we are able to bring the 2nd edition of the AAPG/EAGE Papua New Guinea Petroleum Geoscience Conference and Exhibition. Accordingly, we hope to convene a new committee in mid-2023 to examine this.

I sincerely thank the members of the Organising Committee for their work over the last year and the Government of PNG that gave its resounding support for the second event though the Secretary of the Department of Petroleum. 

Michael McWalter, OL,


Second AAPG/EAGE PNG Petroleum Conference and Exhibition   

About the Conference

The 2nd AAPG/EAGE Papua New Guinea Petroleum Conference & Exhibition with its overarching theme, "Petroleum Developments: Underpinning Papua New Guinea's Energy Future" is designed primarily for those who explore for petroleum accumulations, appraise them and seek to develop them as producing oil and gas fields. Petroleum Geoscientists of all kinds from: wellsite geologists to exploration program managers; geophysicists to geochemists; and stratigraphers to sedimentologists, and all those others who contribute to the elucidation of the hydrocarbon endowment of a place like Papua New Guinea are most welcome.

Important Date

Abstract Submission Deadline Closed
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