Kinzo Kishida is the founder and CEO of Neubrex Co. Ltd., Japan. He holds a PhD degree from Osaka University, Japan. His fields of expertise are shock waves in condensed materials, dynamic brittle fracture mechanics, and especially distributed optical fiber sensing, which he has been working on since 1997. Before founding Neubrex in 2002, he worked for Advanced Research and Development Institute of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan. Dr Kishida acquired over 50 international patents in all aspects of distributed optical fiber sensing, including high (cm-order) spatial resolution Brillouin and Rayleigh scattering strain and temperature systems, hybrid and chemical sensing, and the invention and design of distributed pressure, acoustic, temperature, and strain (DPATS) cable, which exposes optical fiber directly to fluids in downhole environment. His recent direction is high performance DAS and helical surface seismic cable on 3D vector wave field.
Ali Shaiban did his bachelor degree at Curtin University and his master’s degree in Geophysics from The University of Edinburgh. He has been working in borehole seismic for around 8 years to process different types of VSP acquisitions mainly using geophone arrays. Recently, he has been extensively working with VSP data acquired using fiber optic cables.
Yu Jing pursued Master of Computer Engineering at Shanghai Jiaotong University. He is a Senior Engineer of Sinopec Geophysical Corporation(SGC). He has been engaged in seismic exploration for a long time. His experiences include development and application of Cross-well seismic, VSP/RVSP, High Density seismic etc. In recent years, he has been involved in research and promotion of DAS technology including equipment development and processing technology research.
Zuyuan He received BS and MS degrees in Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 1984 and 1987, respectively, and PhD degree from University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1999. He joined Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China as a Research Associate in 1987, and became a Lecturer in 1990. In 1999, he became a Research Associate of University of Tokyo. In 2001, he joined CIENA Corporation, Maryland, USA, as a Lead Engineer heading the optical testing and optical process development group. He returned to the University of Tokyo as a Lecturer in 2003, then became an Associate Professor in 2005 and a full Professor in 2010. He is now a Chair Professor in Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interests include optical fiber sensors, optical interconnects, and optical computing. He co-authored about 500 papers in peer-refereed journals and international conferences, and has been awarded about 50 patents from China, Japan, USA, and UK, respectively. Dr. He is an OPTICA fellow and a senior member of IEEE. He worked as an associate editor of Journal of Lightwave Technology 2013-2019 and served as TPC members in a variety of international conferences, such as CLEO, OFC, and OFS, and as the General Chair of ACP 2014 and APOS 2016, respectively.
Dr. Junjun Wu, Senior Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer and Director of Institute of Reservoir Geophysics, Optical Science & Technology (Chengdu), Ltd. BGP Inc, CNPC. He has been engaged in the application of optical fiber sensing technique in the field of oil and gas, including seismic data processing and interpretation, VSP processing and reservoir imaging, optical fiber long-term dynamic monitoring, microseismic monitoring, cross-well seismic, ground penetrating radar etc. He has won 4 provincial and ministerial awards in China, published more than 40 journal papers, and authorized more than 20 patents, 5 industry standards, and he also acts as a reviewer for several SCI journals and conferences, such as Geophysics. He owns over 10-years experience in borehole geophysics and over 8-years experience in fiber optic sensing technique.
Jane Mason is a Senior Specialist based in Abu Dhabi working within the Advanced Geoscience Solutions group in Thamama Excellence Centre, which is the Technology Centre for ADNOC HQ. She primarily works on fibre optic technology and strategy. Jane has over 15 years experience accrued in both the Service Sector and within an Operating Company focused primarily on completions and petroleum engineering. She has a large breadth of experience from completions planning, execution, management, new technology development. She holds a Bachelors degree in Electronic Engineering from Surrey University and a Masters degree in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot Watt University.