Extended Coffee Break & Poster Session (Tue)

Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Energy
Hydrogen & Energy Storage
Hydrogen & Energy Storage
Offshore Wind
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
3:50 PM - 4:40 PM
Exhibition floor


Dr Mahnaz Aghajanloo

Impact of Salts on CO2 Hydrate Saturation and Injectivity During CO2 Storage in Depleted Gas Fields

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Dr Afzaal Ahmed
Hitec University Taxila Cantt


Ms Zainab Alabdulmohsen
Geologist III
Saudi Aramco

Delineation and well placement optimization for 3D geological modelling in carbon capture and sequestration

PhD Student
Indian Institute Of Technology Madras

Numerical simulation study to analyze the cold thermal front growth in discrete fracture geothermal reservoir

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Mr Aravinda De Chinnu Arul Babu
Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay

Assessing the Optimal Resource Mix for Deep Decarbonization of the Indian Power Sector

Boyukagha Baghirov
PhD Researcher
TU Delft

Exergy Analysis of Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage System (A-CAES)

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Mr Ayomikun Bello
PhD Candidate
Eco Energy LLC

Numerical Analysis of Foam-Assisted and Continuous CO2 Injection for Utilization and Storage in an Oil Reservoir

Ms Salma Ben Amor
Staff Technical Product Manager
Baker Hughes

Subsurface modeling for hydrogen storage in hypothetical salt caverns within the Groningen field

Ms Salma Ben Amor
Staff Technical Product Manager
Baker Hughes

Workflows to Capture the Gaps in Studying CO2 Underground Storage

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Dr Bahman Bohloli
Geomechanics specialist
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)

Hydrogen storage in refrigerated unlined rock caverns

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Dr Annapurna Boruah
Upes Dehradun

Prospects of Natural Hydrogen in India: An Emerging Frontier for Sustainable Energy

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Dr Marc Buursink
Research Geologist
US Geological Survey

New Methodology for Assessing Underground Natural Gas Storage Resources – Example from Michigan Basin, United States

Jianming Chen
Khalifa University


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Mr Balaji Chennakrishnan
Founder & CEO
Telesto Energy Pte. Ltd

Using artificial intelligence to evaluate uncertainty for optimizing CCUS

Dr Wouter Deleersnyder
Phd Student -> postdoc since October
Ghent University

Exploring interactions between groundwater extraction and shallow geothermal energy to use the subsurface optimally and sustainably

Dr Melissa Duque Nogueira Kiewiet

Stimulated hydrogen production by low-temperature water-rock interactions in static experiments.

Mr Andrew Dyson
British Geological Survey

Seabed and shallow subsurface domain mapping for geotechnical assessment, Offshore Argyll, Scotland

Dr Nicholas Etherden
University Of Gävle

Rock cavern thermal energy storage to enable sector-coupling of district heating, pulp industry, and power production

Dr Thea Sveva Faleide
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)

The Role of Multi-Sensor Core Logging and X-ray Imaging in Ground Model Development

Mr Farnam Firouzbehi
Research Associate
University of Rome, La Sapienza

Pore and field-scale investigation of the effect of wettability on residual and dissolution trapping mechanisms CO2

Ms Patricia Fleitas
Senior Facilities Engineer

Techno-Commercial Assessment Framework for Co-Firing Hydrogen in Gas Power Plants to Reduce Carbon Emissions

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Mr Pablo Gristo
Jefe De Geociencias

Modelling Offshore Wind Resources for Hydrogen Production in Uruguay

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Dr Kasper Hunnestad
Norwegian University of Science And Technology

Subsurface CO2 injection and monitoring in a downscaled lab facility

Mr Johan Ibarra
Universidad De Los Andes

Remote Sensing using ArcGIS for White Hydrogen Reservoir Detection: Case Study of the Ginebra Ophiolitic Complex

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Dr James Johnson
Institute for Energy Technology

Impact of injection rate variation for hydrogen storage in porous media, a microfluidics case study

Mr Henning Knauer
Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Energieinfrastrukturen und Geothermie IEG

Optimizing the Geothermal Drilling Process Using Artificial Intelligence Methods

Dr Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah

How Realistic is Your Numerical Simulation of CO2 Sequestration in Depleted Carbonate Reservoirs?

Mr Mathias José Kreutz Erdtmann
TU Delft

Brazilian offshore saline aquifers as CCS prospects

Ms Bodil Wesenberg Lauridsen
Senior Researcher

CO2 storage Environmental Baseline

Ms Marina Lesnes
Senior Research Geophysicist

Deghosting of Ultra-High Resolution seismic data with deep learning

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Mr Siwakorn Maneethien
MSc student
Chiang Mai University

Assessing CO₂ Storage Potential of Mae Sod Formation in Lampang Basin, Northern Thailand, using Petrophysical Analysis

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Mr Gabriel Marins
Senior Geologist

Perspective for CO2 storage on the Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province: insights from Subsurface geophysical data

Dr Shogo Masaya
Senior lead geophysicist

Feasibility of seismic monitoring for underground hydrogen storage in porous media using elastic full waveform inversion

Dr Mohammad Hadi Mehranpour
Lead Geomechanics Specialist
Baker Hughes

Well failure risk mitigation at the West Netherlands basin: The Geothermie Delft doublet case study

Mr Rafael Mesquita
Heriot-watt University

Fractured caprock failure criterion in the context of underground CO2 storage

Dr Maciej Miecznik
Mineral And Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy Of Sciences

Thermal lift effect in deep geothermal wells

Mr Thomas Olver
Geothermal Engineering Ltd.

An Update on the United Downs Geothermal Project, Cornwall

Dr Audrey Ougier-Simonin
Rock Physics Specialist
British Geological Survey

Enabling temporary geological CO2 storage: insights from the ConsenCUS project

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Ms Sea-eun Park
Phd Student
Jeonbuk National University

Investigating Anisotropic Characteristics at the Sleipner CCS Field from Seismic and CSEM Data

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Dr Joonsang Park

Resistivity estimate of CO2 saturated rock cores in lab experiment

Ms Maria Perez Fernandez
Ccs R&d Containment & Wells Project Manager

Enhancing Downhole Sensor Monitoring through Acoustic Communication and Power Transfer

Mr Roberto Pierau
State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology

Exploration maps for geothermal applications in Lower Saxony, NW-Germany – from overview to a detailed level

Mr Karol Pierzchała
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences

Application of the Finite Difference Method in geothermal wellbore simulator with brine and changing production schedule

Mr Joe Pollecutt
Fugro Gb Limited

Utilizing Fugro’s Innovative Auto Boulder detection tool on Sub-Bottom Profiler data

Dongfang Qu

Synthetic CPT predictions for offshore wind farms using machine learning – Advantages and Opportunities

Mr Shahryar Rashidi
Coventry University

Impact of the extended Debye-Huckel and ideal activity models on CO2 mineralization: A study using TOUGHREACT

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Dr Cecilia Rodriguez Gomez

Young Geothermal Promoters (YGP) internship program: linking academy, industry and communities

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Mr Manuel Rodriguez-Ramirez
CCS Technical Leader
Servicio Geológico Colombiano

Assessing CO₂ Storage Capacity in Saline Aquifers of the Llanos Basin, Colombia.

Dr Ana Patricia Santana
Upstream Geophysicist
Petroleo Brasileiro S A Petrobras

Deep Neural Network Applied to Predict Geothermal Potential

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Project Scientist
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,Mumbai,India

Geomechanical perspective for CO2 sequestration opportunity in Onshore Field, Bikaner Nagaur Basin, India

Mr Evgeny Smirnov
Chief Operating Officer

Advancing Passive/Microseismic Technology to Monitor Subsurface Reservoir During CO2 Injection.

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Mr Sebastien Soulas
Global Operations Manager
Avalon Sciences Ltd

Urban VSP acquisition for geothermal drilling de-risking in Paris area, targeting high frequencies and high resolution

Dr Taha Taha

Optimizing Carbon Capture and Storage Strategies: Integrated Surface and Subsurface for Decision-Making under Uncertainty

Mr Samuele Vio

An analysis of wave and current induced scour around monopiles in cohesive soil

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Dr Andrew Weller
MAPPEM Geophysics

Colour Your Geophysics: Enhancing Your Ground Model with Marine Electrical Resistivity Tomography (MERT)

Dr Stefan Wenau
R&D Geophysicist

Geophysical imaging for classification of dumped munitions using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Mr Hossein Younesian Farid

Field scale modelling of biomineralization in porous media to mitigate CO2 leakage challenges

Mr Samuel Zappala'
Uppsala University

Reflection seismic acquisition for onshore CCS applications in Denmark – An overview

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Dr Marcel Zwaan
Panterra Geoconsultants

Risk Management and Monitoring in CCS projects

Mr George Body
Kraken Robotic Services

Using Sub-Bottom Imager data to interpret shallow soil conditions for use in offshore wind site characterisation.

Mr Gospel Ezekiel Stewart
Post Graduate Researcher
Heriot-watt University

Pore Scale Simulation of CO2 Transport in Large REVs: A Volume of Solid Approach

Dr Marilena Calarco
Rina Consulting S.p.a.

A novel integrated approach for the evaluation of the Reference Seabed Level (RSBL) for cable burial

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Yorgin Esperias Flores
Msc Student
The University of Edinburgh

The Role of Geologic Hydrogen in the Energy Transition

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Dr Surajit Gorain
Chief Manager
Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, India

Exploring the White Hydrogen Potential of the Andaman Basin’s Sea Floor Spreading Centre

Dr Damien Bonté
Research Engineer
IFP Energies Nouvelles

From lab experiment to modelling: an integrated approach to understand natural hydrogen as an energy resource.

Dr Yohei Nishitsuji
Sumitomo Corporation

Game theory approach of stakeholder decisions in natural hydrogen exploration

Mr Karthick Vadivel

AI-Powered Electricity Price Forecasting for Hydrogen Production

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Mr Rifky Wijanarko
PhD Student
University Of Aberdeen

The Caythorpe Gas Field: A Potential Site for UK Onshore Energy Storage

Mr Henrique Serratt
PhD student

Constraining the Source of Natural Hydrogen Gas in the Southern Paraná Basin (Brazil)

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Ms Faakirah Rashid
Indian Institute Of Technology Bombay

Porous Sedimentary Oil Reservoirs: Characterization for Geothermal Energy Extraction from Near Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells

Dr David Johnstone
Postgrad Researcher
University Of Manchester

Regional interpretation of Permo-Triassic aquifers in the Cheshire Basin, UK, for direct use geothermal energy.

Dr Oscar Garcia-cabrejo
Universidad Pedagogica Y Tecnologica De Colombia

Quantifying uncertainty in geothermal favorability mapping with a Probabilistic Fuzzy Inference System. Case Study: Paipa, Colombia

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Dr James Johnson
Institute for Energy Technology

Potential for an integrated wind-geothermal cogeneration energy system, a case study from the Norwegian Continental Shelf

Prof. Azadeh Hojat
Associate Professor of Applied Geophysics
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman/Politecnico di Milano

Short report on geothermal favourability explorations in Kerman Province

Mr Loris Piolat
Phd Student
Georessources Laboratory

Quantifying geophysical electrical signatures in hydrothermal reservoirs

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Dr Pedram Masoudi
Geostatisticien and Geophysicien

Reservoir gross rock volume estimation of a gently dipping structural trap, using geostatistical time-depth conversion method
