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Technical Presentations Session II - Afternoon Part III

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:20 PM


Dr Shengyu Wu
C&c Reservoirs

Exploration benchmarking using global analogues to establish the potential of two new plays offshore Uruguay

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM


David Pollitt is Director of Geoscience for C&C Reservoirs, a role he assumed in August 2019. Prior to this he was Exploration Advisor for Chevron Europe, Eurasia & Middle East E&P, based in London, England. In this role, he was responsible for functional leadership and guidance on the portfolio and capital allocation for Chevron’s exploration business within Europe, Eurasia and the Middle East, and was a member of Chevron’s Exploration Leadership Team. During his career David has worked on projects throughout the E&P lifecycle in diverse parts of the world, including the continental US, the UK, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. David holds a BSc in Exploration and Resource Geology from Cardiff University (2004), a PhD in carbonate sedimentology and numerical modeling, also from Cardiff University (2008), and an MBA from Durham University (2019). He is a Chartered Geologist (UK) and Fellow of the Geological Society of London, and a Certified Petroleum Geologist (USA).
Juan Pablo Ormazabal

Seabed Faulting Associated with Gas Leakage in the Southern Malvinas Basin and Burdwood Bank

3:20 PM - 3:40 PM


My full name is Juan Pablo Ormazabal, and I am a post-doctoral fellow at IGeBA (Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires), an institution affiliated with the CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) and the University of Buenos Aires, since August 2022. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 29th, 1991. I applied for a degree in geology at the University of Buenos Aires, and later pursued my PhD at IGeBA, in 2016. My PhD thesis was directed by Dr. Alejandro Tassone and titled "Estudio sismo-acústico de las cuencas Malvinas y Magallanes offshore y la faja plegada y corrida asociada" (Sismo-acoustic study of the offshore Malvinas and Magallanes basins and the associated fold thrusted belt). I specialize in geophysical data acquisition, processing and interpretation, particularly in acoustic methods. My work and professional training have involved over 7 scientific offshore cruises (approximately 5 months in total) on vessels belonging to different countries. Regarding the publication of my work in high-impact journals, I am the first author of two papers and the second author of two more. I have also made contributions to four other papers.
Ms Emily Kay

Investigating reservoir provenance and analogues of the Venus and Graff deepwater clastic plays offshore Southwest Africa

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM


Emily is a Geoscientist with over 10 years industry experience. She holds a masters degree in Petroleum Geoscience from the University of Aberdeen and has worked in various seismic companies throughout her career including PGS and ION. She currently works at TGS in the Africa Middle East (AME) group with a focus on West African basins.