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Session XI - Optimizing reservoir characterization, field development strategies, and recovery (Part V)

Thursday, September 19, 2024
1:25 PM - 3:04 PM


Ms Desiree Faria
Petroleo Brasileiro S/A - PETROBRAS

Geological forward modeling parameters adapted for fast-track model - Pre-Salt examples in Santos Basin, Brazilian offshore.

1:25 PM - 1:44 PM
Agenda Item Image
James Pape

An Integrated Workflow To Condition Reservoir Model Properties With Elastic Inversion Constraints, Pre-Salt Santos Basin, Brazil

1:45 PM - 2:04 PM
Mr Felipe Soares Fernandes Coelho
Senior Geophysicist

Enhancing Drilling Strategies with FWI Imaging: A Case Study from the Santos Basin Pre-Salt.

2:05 PM - 2:24 PM
Dr Masoud Maleki
Research Scientist
Center for Petroleum Studies (CEPETRO)_University of Campinas

Integrated 3D/4D Seismic Interpretation and Inversion Workflow for Carbonate Reservoirs applied to the Tupi Field

2:25 PM - 2:44 PM