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Drone EM Technology

3rd Airborne, Drone & Robotic
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
9:00 - 10:40
Room D


Mr Nicklas Skovgaard Nyboe
SkyTEM Surveys ApS

Progress towards a drone-based Transient Electromagnetic system, some first results

Agenda Item Image
Dr Thomas Günther
Leibniz Institute For Applied Geophysics

Using drone-based electromagnetics for 3D imaging of groundwater salinization

Dr Mehrdad Bastani
Geological Survey of Sweden

A new data acquisition system for UAV-borne VLF-LF measurements. Two case studies in Sweden

Mr Philipp Kotowski
University of Münster, Corrensstrasse 24, 48149 Münster

A semi-airborne EM study of the Hope ore deposit (Namibia) using a drone-based concept

Dr Yuriy Davydenko
Executive director
Irkutsk National Research Technical University

The results of experimental and methodological work with the new UAV-TEM technology on Lake Baikal

Dr Valeriya Hallbauer-Zadorozhnaya
Tshwane University Of Technology

UAV-TEM data inversion with S-Plane method to highlight coastal geological structure of Lake Baikal
