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Seismic Methods in Mineral Exploration III

4th Mineral Exploration & Mining
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
11:10 - 12:50
Room C


Prof. Musa Manzi
University of the Witwatersrand

Tunnel Seismics for Mineral Exploration – Is it Worth the Effort?

Dr George A. Donoso
Uppsala Univeristy

Characterizing volcanogenic massive sulphides using acoustic impedance inversion, Neves-Corvo, southern Portugal

Dr Nombuso Maduna
University Of The Witwatersrand

Constraining the temporal evolution of the deep-water Orange Basin using high-resolution 3D seismic reflection data

Mr JiaWei Wu
China University Of Petroleum

Research and application of crack prediction technology for pre-stack seismic data

Ms Sharon Matloga
University of the Witwaterrand

Interpretation of legacy 3D seismic data for underground platinum mines: Implication for mine safety
