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Groundwater Exploration and Hydrogeophysics II

28th European Meeting
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
15:40 - 17:00
Room A


Mr Juan Carlos Zamora-Luria
PhD Student
Aarhus University

Monitoring water table variations in an unconfined aquifer using a time-lapse TEM method

Ms Dina Abdelmoneim
Assistant Researcher
National Research Centre, Egypt

Groundwater-surface water interactions in intensively managed water systems: A case study in Treasure Valley, USA

Dr Alessandro Aguzzoli
Phd Student
Uversità Degli Studi Di Modena E Reggio Emilia

Direct P-wave seismic noise interferometry for groundwater monitoring: a modelling study

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Dr Thomas Günther
Leibniz Institute For Applied Geophysics

The Dynamic Deep Subsurface of High-Energy Beaches (DynaDeep) – Geoelectrical monitoring of the freshwater/saltwater dynamics
