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Ground, Borehole, and Airborne IP Methods

4th Mineral Exploration and Mining
Monday, September 19, 2022
15:50 - 17:10
Room C


Dr Emmanuel Onyebueke
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University Of The Witwatersrand

Boulder Delineation using Integrated GPR and Electrical Resistivity Method at Tharisa Platinum Mine, Rustenburg, South Africa

Prof. Gianluca Fiandaca
Associate professor
University of Milano "La Statale"

Effect of induced polarization on galvanic and inductive data: where is it stronger?

Dr Diego Domenzain
Aarhus University

Remediation monitoring guided by 3D time-lapse inversion of dense DC borehole data

Agenda Item Image
Mr Chris Nind
Abitibi Geophysics

3D IP using a distributed array system
