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Data Integration & 3D Modelling

3rd Airborne, Drone & Robotic
Monday, September 19, 2022
15:50 - 17:10
Room D


Dr Wouter Deleersnyder
Phd Student -> postdoc since October
Ghent University

Assessing quantitatively interpretable zones from 1D forward modelling AEM inversion models

Mr Mats Lundh Gulbrandsen

Using Multiple Points Statistics in Indian Wells Valley, California to estimate the aquifer storage capacity

Dr Anders Vest Christiansen
Aarhus University

Combining boreholes and Airborne EM models for automatic generation of hydrostratigraphic model realizations

Dr Alexander Parshin
Scientific Director, Siberian School of Geosciences
Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Using the "triad" of UAV-TEM, UAV-magnetic prospecting and UAV-gamma-spectrometry: case of prospecting for blind ore deposits
