Geoscience Integration for Offshore Wind I

1st Conference on Sub-surface Characterisation for Offshore Wind
Monday, September 4, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:20 PM


Mr Dayton Dove
British Geological Survey

Keynote presentation: Increasing availability of high-quality marine geoscience data is supporting Net-Zero developments, BGS mapping, and scientific advance

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM
Ms Alice Sheridan-Parker
MSc Student
The University of Manchester

UHR 3D seismic study of ice-related deformation structures offshore NL

1:20 PM - 1:40 PM
Dr Bartosz Kurjanski
Phd Student
University of Aberdeen

Interpretation and ground modelling uncertainty in glaciogenic, ice-marginal deposits. Case study from the Southern Baltic

1:40 PM - 2:00 PM
Dr Guillaume Michel
Project Geoscientist
Gavin And Doherty Geosolutions - Venterra Group

Shallow gas and associated seabed features: a primary geohazard for offshore wind installations

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Session chair

Gwenaelle Salaun
Senior Lead Geophysicist

Timothy Watton
