Joint poster session Tuesday

30th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - KARL LINDAHL
30th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - TARJA HALONEN
5th Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining - JUHO RISSANEN
4th Conference on Airborne, Drone and Robotic Geophysics - TIVOLI
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:20 PM - 4:00 PM


Mr Julian Bruneau
university of bordeaux

Deciphering meteorological influencing factors for historical instabilities time series in the Pyrenees.

Prof. Dr Colette Sirieix
University of Bordeaux

A Multi-Faceted Approach for 3D Thermophysical Characterisation of Geological Heterogeneity in a Rock-Mass for Heat Transfer

Dr Josipa Kapuralić
University of Zagreb, Faculty Of Mining, Geology And Petroleum Engineering

Application of machine learning for fast detection of karst bauxite deposits based on synthetic geophysical models

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Mr Fatkhul Muin
Senior Innovation Geophysicist
Upstream Innovation Pertamina Hulu Energi

Automatic time lapse monitoring of fluid injection using self-potential method

Dr Jihun Choi
Senior Researcher
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources

Case study for accurate density log estimation considering mineral composition of crystalline rock in South Korea

Mr Toshiaki Kobayashi
Project Director

Data acquisition for DAS performance evaluation at Aquistore CCS site in Canada

Dr Francesca Pace
Assistant professor
Politecnico di Torino

Development of geophysical apps in Matlab since undergraduate studies

Ms Noora Thurman

DroneSOM – more precise, efficient, and environmentally friendly mineral exploration

Dr Seho Hwang
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources

Experiments of Spectral Density, Neutron-Neutron, and Neutron-Gamma Logging in Small-Diameter Cased Boreholes

Prof. Azadeh Hojat
Associate Professor of Applied Geophysics
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman/Politecnico di Milano

Initial analysis of ERT monitoring data measured on a platinum tailings dam

Ms Huieun Yu
Sejong University

Inversion of time-domain induced-polarization decay curve using second-order differentiation

Dr Stephan Costabel
German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources

Laboratory study on the relationship between NMR parameters and hydraulic conductivity of peat soil

Ms Shifa Mufidah
Geophysics Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Large Scale Deployment of Self-Potential Monitoring System in The Kawengan Oil Field

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Mr MOHAMED Elbalawy
PhD Student
Miskolc University

Net Pay Thickness Estimation Using Band-Limited Impedance Approach: Pannonian Basin Case Study

Islamic Azad University

Phosphorus Content Estimation in Iron Ore Mine Using Advanced Neural Networks

Niina Junno
University of Helsinki

Quantitative interpretation of the seismic reflection data from Ni-Cu-PGE ore-bearing Kevitsa intrusion, northern Finland

Dr Jehyun Shin
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources

Regional subsurface mapping with geological database construction in the southern region of South Korea

Roméo Courbis
University Researcher
University Of Helsinki

The establishment of the Finnish mobile seismic instrument pool

Mr Laszlo Vincze
manager director

The use of geo-electric geo-membrane leakage detection and localization method in Hungary

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Prof. Dr Albert Casas
Professor Dr.
University of Barcelona

Use of electrical resistivity tomography for characterising the quality of aggregates in a gravel pit
