SESSION 9 - Drilling Operations and Completion / Well intervention Technologies | Session Chairs: Mahmood Amani, Adel Mohsin
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 |
3:35 PM - 5:15 PM |
Mr Riawan Mulyanto
Petrophysics Specialist
QatarEnergy LNG
Ultrasonic Cement Evaluation in Corrosion Resistant Alloy Casing
3:35 PM - 3:55 PMBiography
Riawan Mulyanto started his career as Wireline Field Engineer with Schlumberger in 1992 progressing to Field Technical and Field Management ladder before joining Schlumberger Data and Consulting Services as Petrophysicist in 2002. He joined RasGas in 2009 which was merged to Qatargas and recently renamed as QatarEnergy LNG. Riawan current role is cased hole and surveillance petrophysics SME.
Ms Samya Al Sawafi
Evaluating Khuff Formation Time Dependency Utilizing LWD High-Resolution Ultrasonic Imager
3:55 PM - 4:15 PMBiography
Oman Geoscientist
Somaya Ahmed
Qatar University
Utilizing Clay Minerals for Efficient Treatment of Oilfield Wastewater
4:15 PM - 4:35 PMBiography
Ahmed Hamza is a research assistant at the Gas Processing Center, Qatar University. He has over 8 years of experience in research and teaching within higher education. He holds a B.Sc. with honors from the University of Khartoum and M.Sc. from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, both in Petroleum Engineering. His research interests include improving conformance control of oil and gas reservoirs, well stimulation, CO2 and hydrogen underground storage, and oilfield wastewater treatment.
Marwan Elwahsh
Optimizing fracture control in thin multilayer carbonate reservoirs with Surgifrac stimulation
4:35 PM - 4:55 PMBiography
Marwan Elwahsh is a reservoir engineer with five years of experience at TotalEnergies, working on complex fractured carbonate fields. His role includes reservoir management, simulation, and field development planning. He focuses on production improvement and applying novel techniques tailored to the field’s complexity, integrating data-driven approaches and advanced modeling to optimize performance.
Mr Amr Abdel-Fattah
Saudi Aramco
4:55 PM - 5:15 PMBiography
Dr. Amr Abdel-Fattah is a Petroleum Engineering Consultant and Lead of the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Focus Area of Aramco’s EXPEC ARC. Before joining Aramco in 2012, he was a Senior Scientist at Los Alamos National Lab in the USA for 15 years. He has over 35 years of R&D experience during which he invented and implemented multiple technologies and programs aiming at solving key challenges in the Energy and Sustainability arena based on nanotechnology and materials science. He has published several highly cited technical papers and delivered numerous keynote and invited talks at various international conferences and workshops. His recent developments included the CO2 Nanobubbles, Reservoir Nano-Agents, and Acoustic Oil-Water-Fines Separation for sustainable O&G operations. He served as an SPE Distinguished Lecturer and received a number of prestigious international awards, including the World Oil, Hart Energy, IChemE, IAAM Science Medal, and Suzanne West Environmental Excellence Award.