Poster Session 2: Lighting Session
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 |
3:10 PM - 3:25 PM |
Mr Snorre Lutnes
Enhanced Drilling
Applying Controlled Mud Level to Open Hole Gravel Pack
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
Snorre graduated with a Master’s degree in Petroleum Technology in 2002. He first started working in the North Sea as a Drilling Fluids Engineer before assuming project management roles onshore.
He worked internationally for 10 years covering various positions in Africa, Europe, and the US. During this period, he primarily worked with Managed Pressure Drilling.
He now works as a Technical Sales Manager for Enhanced Drilling where he is covering their services focusing primarily on their MPD technology.
Dr Ahmed Sabry
Kuwait Oil Company
Workflow and procedures to create Pore Pressure Prediction Model for Deep Drilling Wells
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
Dr. Ahmed is Senior Geoscientist with more than 20 years of experience. His specialties include geomechanics, Pore pressure prediction, drilling optimization, and the integration of geological and drilling data.
Mr Jocin James Abraham
Texas A&M University at Qatar
Improved Geothermal Drilling Solutions Utilizing Nanomaterials and Graphene Oxide as Additives to Overcome HPHT Challenges
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
Mr. Jocin James is a graduate student at Texas A&M University, pursuing a PhD in Petroleum Engineering. His research topics and areas of interest include well integrity, drilling and completions, underground containment as well as Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen storage. Mr. Jocin has a master’s degree from the University of Oklahoma and an Undergraduate Degree from Texas A&M.
Artem Mavliutov
University of Padova
FSAI preconditioner for reservoir simulations
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
Artem Mavliutov is a PhD student from the University of Padova, Italy. His main focus is on applied linear algebra with an accent on high-performance computing, especially multi-GPU clusters.
Chandan Jyoti Keot
Enhanced Reservoir Management by Optimizing Multilateral Drilling and Sidetrack Planning, leveraging 1D-3D Reservoir Mapping technologies
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
I started my oilfield career in SLB in 2008 as a LWD field engineer. After spending couple of years in the field I moved to geosteering domain and in the last 15 years I have worked in multiple field development projects that involved planning and executing innovative field development strategies using horizontal wells addressing unique challenges to minimize cost and maximize production.
I'm currently working as Senior, Reservoir Mapping & Geosteering for SLB, based in Qatar.
Mr Govarthanan Gangatharan
Advanced Geological Characterization of Karst Morphologies Utilizing Integrated Drilling and 3D Seismic In Production Optimization Strategies
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
I am Maha Al-Jaber. I graduated from Texas A&M University at Qatar back in 2022 and my major is Petroleum Engineering. I Joined North Oil Company back in September 2022. I am passionate about cores that’s why my first job was Operational Petrophysicst Developee between 2022-2024. I am currently working as an Associate Reservoir Engineer focusing on reservoir development and modeling.
Mr Faisal Al-Mutawa
QatarEnergy LNG
Pipe Diagnostic Using Innovative Water Flow Log Techniques
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
Faisal Al-Mutawa is a senior Petrophysicist in QatarEnergy LNG with 8 years of experience in Petrophysics Operations and Evaluations. He worked on Wireline and LWD logging operations including Open Hole and Cased Hole Data Acquisition and interpretations. He holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University at Qatar. He is also an active board member of SPWLA Qatar Chapter.
Ms Sarra Aloui
Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Geostatistical modeling and optimization of subsurface reservoir properties: A permeability estimation example
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
Sarra Aloui holds an MSc in Applied Geology and a BSc in Earth Sciences, specializing in spatial analysis and subsurface modeling. She is currently conducting research on the hydrogeological modeling of aquifer systems. With extensive knowledge in geosciences, she is skilled in data analytics, geostatistics, GIS-based mapping, and remote sensing applications. Her contribution in this work focuses on the modeling and optimization of subsurface reservoir properties, emphasizing sustainable resource management practices and innovative methodologies in geological modeling.
Mahmoud Moussa
Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Prediction of Reservoir Permeability and Porosity using a Deep Learning Technique
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
Mr. Mahmoud Maarouf Moussa is a graduate researcher at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, currently pursuing his Master's Degree in Sustainable Energy under the supervision of Dr. Ahmad Abushaikha. The author has a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University.
Mr Ali Asif
Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Efficiency and Accuracy of Linearization Methods for Multi-Phase Flow in Porous Media
3:10 PM - 3:25 PMBiography