Dr. Andi Pfaffhuber, EMerald Geomodelling

Andi is the founder and CEO of EMerald Geomodelling, a spin out from the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), where he spent 12 years in various roles before embarking onhis own business adventure. He has extensive leadership experience in innovation, research,project management, business development and scientific consulting.

He is the visionary behind the technology offered by EMerald Geomodelling that utilizesairborne geophysics for infrastructure projects. He’s worked with EM systems since the latenineties to explore sea ice thickness on research expeditions to both polar oceans at theAlfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine research.

In 2007, he introduced airborne geophysics to NGI, initially for resource exploration but later for the unique application in geotechnical projects. He has worked in countries on all continents and up until COVID-19, can't remember the last time he didn't have a single upcoming trip in his calendar.

Andi holds a PhD in Applied Geophysics from Bremen University (2006), an MSc in Applied Geoscience from Technical University Berlin (2001), an BSc in Applied Geoscience from Montanuniversität Leoben (1997) and an Engineer ́s degree from HTL Steyr (1995). 

In his spare time, he loves taking his family of five camping with his ever-changing four-wheel drive. The day before a trip with family, friends or colleagues you are sure to find Andi in the garage – fixing something on the car making her even more capable than before.