First EAGE Western Africa Exploration & Production Workshop
The objective of this workshop series is to identify practices and ways, including collaborative actions, to boost exploration and appraisal activities globally in frontier and emerging domains of Western Africa. The need for collaboration in Geosciences and Operations is promoted by the EAGE since the conference held in Paris in 2017, and has been the main theme of the Annual Conference in Copenhagen in 2018. Regional workshops such as this one aim to bring concrete actions into play.This workshop will bring focus on Western Africa exploration experiences and challenges. The programme will include panel discussions, round table and working/small groups that will focus on knowledge sharing, collaboration and state of the industry.
The Technical Committee invite practitioners, innovators and industry experts to contribute to this workshop and share their achievements and challenges, lay out innovative ideas and seek new alliances to jointly develop a road for the future.
Contributors are welcome to submit an abstract of 2-4 pages in length. Submission for posters & oral presentations is welcome on all topics mentioned. Students and Academia professionals are also invited to submit abstracts. All abstracts should be submitted via the EAGE website using the downloadable template. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2020.
15 May 2020
Call for Abstracts Closes
1 June 2020
Registration opens