First EAGE Online Workshop on EOR in Latin America: Research, Planning, Implementation and Surveillance

26-28 August, ONLINE

Welcome to First EAGE Online Workshop on EOR in Latin America:

Research, Planning, Implementation and Surveillance

This event is targeted to industry experts, professionals, authorities, researchers and companies who are involved or interested in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) projects. This is considered an important strategy to increase the oil and gas recovery factor and field productivity. This Online workshop is an opportunity to share technical-scientific knowledge and to show national and international operators and service companies the potential of this projects, as Latin America being the main focus.

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Important Dates

Call for Papers Deadline - Extended   Closed!
Early Registration Deadline  01 July 2020
EOR Online  Workshop  26 - 28 August 2020

The Workshop Technical Programme is live!

Check out the Workshop Speakers here 


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