Utilizing Exploration Tunnels for In-Mine Seismic Imaging via GPS-Time Transmitter & E-Vib Source
By: Dr Bojan Brodic & Richard de Kunder
Dr Bojan Brodic & Richard de Kunder
1 hour
Mineral Exploration, Mining
Within the Smart Exploration Project, five prototypes for innovative exploration of mineral resources have been developed by an academia-industry partnership. In this webinar, we tackle the need for innovation of the present exploration strategies and discuss in a more detailed manner two of the five prototypes:
1 - A broadband electrically driven, linear synchronous motor - LSM based seismic vibroseis source and
2 - GPS-transmitter designed to provide accurate GPS time in GPS-denied environments such as different underground spaces, mine tunnels, shafts, drifts, etc.
After an overview of the technical details of the two, we evaluate their performance via active-source seismic survey conducted in exploration tunnels 650 m below the surface of an active, Neves-Corvo massive sulphide mine in southern Portugal. Both challenges and innovation needs for conducting such a survey will be discussed. Additionally, the seismic imaging potential of a known deposit in a geologically complex setting located beneath the exploration tunnels will be analyzed.
Brojan Brodic is a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University in Sweden. He received his B.Sc. (2010) and M.Sc. (2012) in applied geophysics from University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Serbia. In 2018, he obtained his PhD at Uppsala with focus on development and testing MEMS-based seismic landstreamer, near-surface impact and SIST seismic sources for engineering, environmental and infrastructure planning application. His research interests are in the area of seismic data acquisition, seismic source development, 2D/3D seismic modeling and active and passive seismic imaging using unconventional seismic spreads for cost-effective 3D site characterization on different scales, primarily in near-surface and hard rock environments. He has led and participated in several seismic imaging projects related to the environmental, infrastructure, mining and other problems and targets across Europe, along with projects in Zambia and South Africa. He is an active member of EAGE and SEG, and he is part of Smart Exploration project aiming at developing cost-effective, environmentally-friendly tools and methods for geophysical exploration of mineral ore deposits.
Richard de Kunder is CEO of Seismic Mechatronics, an SME company which is a partner of Smart Exploration Project. Richard holds an MSc degree from Nyenrode Business University and since 2016 he is technically and commercially involved in brining the EM vibrator technology to the land seismic acquisition industry. Within the Smart Exploration project, Richard and his team have developed next generation Electrobroadband Seismic Source (E-Vib).