Surface Wave Methods Challenges and Solution for Mineral Exploration
By: Prof. Valentina Socco & Myrto Papadopoulou
Prof. Valentina Socco &
Myrto Papadopoulou
1 hour
Mineral Exploration, Mining
Surface waves (groundroll) recorded in the seismic data, can be a valuable tool in mineral exploration. Their sensitivity to the near-surface properties allows the estimation of high-resolution shallow VS and VP models and the computation of accurate static corrections, which can improve the imaging of the mineralization targets. In addition, the longer surface-wave wavelengths caused by the high seismic velocities of typical mineral exploration sites, can be useful to indicate the top of the mineralization, particularly in passive seismic surveys, where lower surface-wave frequencies can be measured.
In this webinar, we propose methods which allow the effective use of surface waves in the challenging and noisy environments of mineral exploration. The methods are applicable on 2D and 3D schemes, active- and passive-source seismic data, and are highly automated and computationally efficient, suitable for large-scale applications.
Their successful application on legacy and newly acquired data in the framework of Smart Exploration project shows the value of the recorded groundroll in mineral exploration.
Valentina Socco is an Associate professor of applied geophysics, holding a MSc in civil engineering and PhD in Environmental Geo-engineering. She is in charge of the Applied Geophysics Lab of DIATI-Polito and was awarded the Conrad Schlumberger Award in 2014. Previous roles include: Chair-person of the Near Surface Division Committee of EAGE and member of EAGE Board (2014-16). SEG Honorary Lecturer 2013. Assistant Editor of Geophysics. She has been the Principal investigator or participant in many research projects financed by national and international institutions and companies. Her research focus is on seismic guided wave exploration and geophysical data integration for engineering to O&G exploration. She has authored of more than 110 peer reviewed international publications. Valentina is WP4 Leader of Smart Exploration project in charge of “Advanced Subsurface Imaging and Modelling”.
Myrto Papadopoulou is a Ph.D Student at Politecnico di Torino in Italy and working in Smart Exploration Project aiming at developing cost-effective, environmentally-friendly tools and methods for geophysical exploration of mineral ore deposits. Within the project, Myrto focuses on near-surface characterization implementing and developing new surface-wave analysis methods on active data.