Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

"As the nation’s trusted source of information on Australia’s Earth sciences, Geoscience Australia empowers decision making by government, communities and industry. The breadth of our work covers the uniqueness of our island continent, our extensive marine jurisdictions and includes our frozen territories in the Antarctic. We apply geoscience to Australian Government priorities, including maintaining the resources investment pipeline, management of groundwater resources, community safety from natural hazards and natural resource management issues. We maintain national infrastructure, datasets and physical collections that support the nation to engage with enduring strategic national issues." 

Gold Sponsor

"As Australia’s national science agency, we solve the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology. We are thinkers, problem solvers, leaders. We blaze new trails of discovery. We aim to inspire the next generation. We collaborate with industry, government, universities and research organisations to turn big ideas into disruptive solutions. We use collaborative research to turn science into solutions for food security and quality; clean energy and resources; health and wellbeing; resilient and valuable environments; innovative industries; and a secure Australia and region. We are unlocking a better future. We are CSIRO."