Investment: $15,000
Being a main sponsor will give you the maximum exposure before, during, and after the event.
Benefits main sponsors:
- Company logo + link-through to company’s website on the conference page
- Company logo on conference’s social media announcements
- 10 Complimentary registrations, to attend the conference
- 5 Complimentary registrations for students to attend the conference
- Company logo on the following (Depending on the date of agreement):
- First Announcement
- Final Announcement
- Conference
- Programme
- Conference Publication
- Conference related advertisements and articles in EAGE First Break
- Conference mailings
- Logo on registration confirmation
- Online Booth in the Event´s app
- Logo or chosen advert to appear on Power Point loop during the event
- Logo on the rotating banner at the event portal
Gold Sponsor
Investment: $12,000
- 8 complimentary Registration
- 3 complimnetary registrations for students
- Logo and sponsorship title plus a link included on the EAGE conference website under "sponsoring"
- Logo on the workshop programme
- Logo on the workshop final announcement
- Logo in all promotional mailings related to the event
- Company logo onside signage
- Logo on the rotating banner at the event portal
- Company logo on email sent to all registered delegates
- Sponsoring selective sessions
- Virtual Booth
Silver Sponsor
Investment: $10,000
- 6 complimentary Registration
- 2 Complimentary Regitration for students
- Logo and sponsorship title plus a link included on the EAGE conference website under "sponsoring"
- Logo on the conference technical program
- Logo in all promotional mailings related to the event
- Company logo on event’s social media thank you post
- 1 slide at the end of the technical sessions with short sponsor message
- Logo on the rotating banner at the event portal
- Virtual Booth
Bronze Sponsor
Investment: $8,500
- 4 Complimentary Registrations
- 1 Student Registrations
- Logo and sponsorship title plus a link included on the EAGE conference website under "sponsoring"
- Logo in all promotional mailings related to the event
- Logo on the rotating banner at the event portal
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
Technical Programme Sponsor
Investment: $3.000 USD excl. VAT
- 1 Complimentary registration
- Company logo at the event technical agenda webpage
- Company logo at the technical agenda and Q&A sessions at the event platform
- Logo on the rotating banner at the event portal
- Company logo + link to company's website on the event’s webpage
- Sponsoring selective sessions
- Virtual booth
Video Advertisement Sponsor
Investment: $2000 USD excl. VAT
- Promotional video of the company displayed at the lobby at the start of the event - Video provided by the sponsor - maximum 1 minute (30 seconds is recommended)
- Company logo + link to company's website on the event’s webpage
Investment: $3.000 USD excl. VAT
- 1 complimentary registration
- Logo on the rotating banner at the event portal
- Company logo at the event registration webpage
- Company logo at the registration email sent to all confirmed delegates
- Company logo + link to company's website on the event’s webpage
- Company logo on the "thank you" email sent to all registered delegates
- Virtual Booth
Coffee Points Sponsor
Investment: $1,250
Benefits: Company logo at the coffee stations
Location: Conference AreaExposure: 200 delegates
Lanyards Sponsor
Investment: $3,000
Benefits: Company logo on the lanyards
Location: Conference AreaExposure: 200 delegates
Virtual Bag
Investment: $1500 USD excl. VAT
- All delegates will receive a digital package (email) with links to coupons, vouchers or free trial software by the sponsor company. The links need to include offerings for the delegates
- Company logo + link to company's website on the event’s webpage
- Logo on the rotating banner at the event portal
- Virtual Booth
Login Page or Welcome video
Investment: $2.500 USD excl. VAT
- Sponsor can choose between:
- Login Page image to include sponsor messaging as appropriate or
- Video on the welcome screen that's shown when the user is logged in the first time or when checking personal preferences
- Both options include:
- Company logo + link to company's website on the conference website
- Company logo on the social media thank you post
- Virtual Booth
Pre/Post Extended Session
Investment: $3.000 USD excl. VAT
- Short online webinar hosted by sponsor- Organized by EAGE prior or after the event and promoted by both the sponsor and EAGE.
- Attendants of the main event will attend this session for free
Investment: $2.000 USD excl. VAT
- Company logo displayed at the online event platform
- The moderator can welcome attendees, present next topics, moderate the panel discussion and can include a few questions based on the sponsor's agenda in order to lead the conversation but only up to an extent.
- Promotion as the Host Sponsor Company logo + link to company's website on the event webpage
- Company logo on event’s social media thank you post
- 1 complimentary registration
Virtual Networking Sponsor
Investment: $2500 USD excl. VAT
- 1 complimentary registration
- Company logo at the virtual networking area
- Company logo at the meeting hub area
- Opportunity to host the sessions
- Company logo + link to company's website on the event webpage
- Company logo on event’s social media announcements
- Company logo + link to company's website on the conference website
- Company logo on the social media thank you post
- Virtual Booth
Investment: $2500 USD excl. VAT
Companies can sponsor students to attend the conference.
- 10 student online registrations
- The company that sponsors the students will be mentioned during the event opening
- Company logo + link to company's website on the conference website
- Company logo on the social media thank you post
- Virtual Booth
Other Packages
Highlighted Speaker Sponsor
Investment: $1.000 USD
- Speakers of the event have the chance to be featured as Highlighted speakers at a slider at the homepage of the
event - Company logo at the event website visible under “Mr./Ms. X represents company X”+ link to company's website on the event’s webpage
Sponsor Presentation
Investment: $1.000 USD
- Logo and sponsorship title plus a link included on the EAGE workshop website under “Sponsoring”
- Logo on the Final Announcement
- Logo featured on Conference badges
- Logo in all email broadcasts sent to members and networking promoting the conference
- Word of thanks from the Chairman