Scope and Topics 

Uncertainty and risk are also well managed by many industries, some better than others. Making more predictions and testing them with drilling (rotary lie detector) helps to refine processes. Similarly, we can learn from the continued assessment of risks with the development of dense underground developments (long-wall mining) over long time scales (10’s of years). Many of the developments the risks are focused as related to health and safety daily (tunnelling) or very long time scales (rad-waste). 

Broadly the definition of probabilities and potential damage is difficult to calculate and describe. Yet it is vital for many projects that these methods are transparent to highly numerate/motivated allied professionals. A more challenging task is to provide understanding to the wider community and highly motivated professional opponents. Finally, it is vitally important that regulators have appropriate consistent information packages, schemas and demonstrable targets for risk. 

During the workshop, we will encourage case studies and use panel sessions to address a wide range of specific risk analysis procedures across industries.

  1. Conventional oil and gas exploration portfolio risk analysis for faulted and stratigraphic traps.

  2. Impact of compartmentalisation risk in oil and gas field development plans.

  3. Well, planning and mitigation of risks associated with underground blowouts.

  4. Assessment of risks of causal pathways between Underground and open-cut coal mining and near-surface aquifers assets.

  5. The role of faults and fractures as consulates for vertical migration of radioactive methane and hydrogen during the early stage of post-closure safety cases.

  6. Quantification of volume and risk of subsurface fugitive emissions of methane.

  7. Role of faults during emplacement  of CO2 plumes

  8. Estimation of the probability and volumes of CO2 leakage during post-closure cases.

  9. Geotechnical/Geomechanical mitigation strategies for inflow into underground mining and tunnelling structures.

  10. Geomechanical risk analysis of subsidence and associated evolution of storage.

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