First EAGE Workshop on East Canada Offshore Exploration

15 November 2021 |  St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Network Reception

EAGE offers you the opportunity to get to know your fellow participants in this workshop. 

On Monday November 15th at Johnson Geo Centre in The Gibbett Hill Room will take place the network reception from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 

Would you like to attend? 

Register here

Johnson Geo Centre

175 Signal Hill Road, St, John's


Contact us onsite

Healthy Guidelines at Johnson Geo Centre

Please ensure as an attendee, you are aware of the following guidelines/procedures that have been implemented in response to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Please read carefully and make sure to adhere to the following:


  • All participants must read Memorial’s Campus Access Health and Safety Moment and complete the self-assessment tool.
  • As per the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s requirements, attendees will be expected to provide proof of full vaccination for COVID-19 upon arrival.
  • Non-medical masks are mandatory while inside, and are expected to be worn for the duration of the event, including while seated. Masks may only be removed while eating or drinking or for event specific or personal circumstances. 
  • Participants will be asked to practice physical distancing and follow signage in the building that encourages distancing through directional flow, room capacities and available seating.
  • Event organizers are expected to provide Conference and Event Services staff members with a full list of attendees and their contact information for the purposes of contact tracing.
  • Participants are asked to clean their hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer.