Kristian Johansen


"Future of acquisition industry"

Kristian Johansen has been the Chief Executive Officer of TGS since 2016 and is based in Houston, USA. TGS is a leading global energy data company listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of USD 1.6 billion. Prior to his current role, he served as the Chief Operating Officer of the company from 2015 to 2016 and a Chief Financial Officer from 2010 to 2015. Mr. Johansen also has experience from executive positions in the IT-services, construction and banking industries and has been a non-executive board member of several public companies in the energy industry. Currently, Mr. Johansen is the Chairman of EnerGeo Alliance (formally IAGC) and serves as board member of the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA). A native of Norway, Kristian earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees in business administration from the University of New Mexico in 1998 and 1999.

Xander Campman

Principal Operations Geophysicist and Principal Science Expert - Shell 

"Introduction to Modern Marine Seismic Surveys: Scope, design and implementation"

Xander is a Principal Operations Geophysicist and Principal Science Expert at Shell Global Solutions International BV in The Hague, The Netherlands. He joined Shell in 2007, after having obtained a MSc degree in Applied Geophysics and a PhD in Applied Mathematics, both from Delft University in The Netherlands.  He spent more than a decade in exploratory and geophysical research roles, including 5 years leading the seismic acquisition research team. Xander spent the past 5 years in Geophysical Operations supporting seismic surveys globally with a focus on developing and deploying new technologies and improving seismic delivery. .

Hilde Nakstad

General Manager - ASN Norway AS

 "Seismic data acquisitions based on fibre optic DAS sensing systems"

Lars Jensen

Geophysical Advisor - Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NOD)

“Geophysical surveys for offshore wind areas on NCS”

Lars Jensen joined the Norwegian Offshore Directorate (NOD) in 2008 - and hereworking with various projects, including: Geophysical Data Acquisition for OffshoreWind, Advisor for CCS – projects, G&G Wisting – field assessment, Seismic DataAcquisition in areas on NCS not yet opened for O&G and new prospecting methodsfor seabed minerals. Before NOD he worked for EMGS with business development(2003-2008) and Geco/Schlumberger (1985-2003). Holds a M.Sc. in AppliedGeophysics from University of Århus, Denmark.