
• Agriculture & Ecosystems
Soil and plant interactions, Tree trunk inspection, Drainage systems, Productive Soils, Wetlands 

Waters & Permafrost
Monitoring and Modelling of: Groundwater-Surface interaction, Soil moisture, Unsaturated Water and Solute Flow, Thawing and Freezing Cycles, Effects of Permafrost on Soil Productivity 

• Landforms and geohazards
Long-term and short-term geological processes: ancient and active faulting, landslides, and other hazards; Landscape formation and development 

• Special section "Breaking the barriers"
an interactive event in a brainstorm manner, where we plan to talk about two things: 

- How to build effective collaborations between Russian and European communities and bring them to the upper level (i.e., call for funding, academic exchange programmes and internships); 

- What is the open science in geophysics (open codes, open database development, etc.)?

Submit your abstracts before 15st March 2021

Submission Guidelines

Extended Abstracts, Abstracts and Papers must be submitted by 1 March 2021

Abstracts must be submitted following certain guidelines and according to a specific template

  • Abstracts Submission Guidelines
  • Abstract Template

If you have any questions about the abstract submission process, please contact us here!