Topics of Conference include, but are not limited to:


Engineering Surveying & Deformation Monitoring

Geodetic measuring technique and instruments. Methods and technologies in geodesy and deformation monitoring. Software, databases and applications for engineering surveying. Laser scanning and advance technologies.


GNSS & Satellite Geodesy

Precise satellite positioning. Space technology and engineering. GNSS data collection, processing and analysis. GNSS geodetic products. Radar and laser technologies. Space weather. Reference coordinate systems.


Earth Surface Processes & Geodynamics

Geodynamic processes. Geophysics and micro-geophysics for engineering. Geomechanics. Geomagnetism and gravimetry. Earthquake engineering and seismology. Seismic vulnerability and risk assessment. Geodetical research of geodynamical and landslide processes.


3d Modelling & Visualization for Geology & Mining

Virtual models, 3D and geo-visualization in geology and mining. Modelling in engineering geology and geotechnics. Geology of mineral resources. Structural geology and tectonics. Sedimentology, palaeontology and stratigraphy. Petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry.


Modern Geodesy in Petroleum & Mineral Exploration

Modern geodetic techniques and technologies in open-pit and underground mining deposits. Modern geodetic methods and technologies in petroleum geology. Underground gas storing and reservoir modelling.


Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring

Remote sensing and GIS solutions for disaster monitoring, mitigation and assessment. Multi-dimensional spatial data modelling and data quality. Specialized GIS and applications regarding water, air quality, biodiversity mineral resources, soil and land use. Web-based geospatial data and GIS services.


Land Cover Mapping & UAV

UAV based land cover mapping. Modern applications and opportunities for UAV. Airborne photogrammetry, LiDAR and close-range applications. Digital cartography. Theoretical cartography, map projections, map design and production.


Sectoral Cadastres for Environmental Management

Sectoral cadastre, land and real estate planning and management. Land administration infrastructures for sustainable development and environmental management