GET2020 conference to play a key role for the Energy Transition

July 2020

If we learned anything from the COVID-19 crisis, it is that we need to seek collaboration, learn from experts, and be open to change. That’s why EAGE’s first Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference (GET2020) scheduled for 16-18 November in Strasbourg, France provides an important opportunity.

The world climate is changing more rapidly than expected, caused by the increasing use of fossil fuels for energy production. A rapid growth in renewable energy supply is needed now more than ever. And, in addition, the decarbonization of the industry using Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is required. All options have to be applied simultaneously, to finally have a chance at stopping the increase of CO2 production.

The usage of the earth’s subsurface plays a pivotal role in most of the technologies, which contribute to slow down the greenhouse effect. Adjusted Geosciences are needed to ensure safe and environmentally friendly handling of the subsurface. EAGE understands the key role that geoscientists play in this energy transition and that the new era will bring both opportunities as well as challenges.

To further the discussion on the role geoscientists can play, EAGE is inviting geoscientists, industry, and public authorities to participate. Key topics will cover Geothermal, CCS, Energy Storage, Cross-Uses & Disciplines, and Solutions, and Society & Government.

We are carefully monitoring the COVD-19 situation. If the situation requires us to make changes to the setup or venue (e.g. online) of the event, we will do this. The current Energy Transition will be the framework of what all geoscientists will do in the future, therefore we encourage all geoscientists, subsurface engineers, energy providers, the industrial sector, researchers and academics, public authorities and other stakeholders to participate in the conference and join the conversation on shaping the future.

To learn more and register, check out the website

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