Abstract Submission

Submit your abstract by September 1st  

Submit your Abstract

The Call for Abstracts is open!

Submit Paper

Abstract parameters:

  1. Name of paper in 14-point Bold Calibri (centered on page)
  2. Body of paper in 12-point Calibri List of authors and company and/or educational institution affiliation (if any). 
  3. Authors last name should be listed first (Jones), with first name second (Fred), both separated by a comma. Author names centered on page.
  4. Length: At least one-half page; but, can be up to two pages if designated as an ‘extended abstract’ all typed in 12-point Calibri. Extended Abstracts can contain up to two jpeg figures. Main abstract should be left-hand justified on the page
  5. Add author picture(s) in .jpeg format for Conference brochure
  6. Add a one-half page biography for Conference brochure Abstract file title should have the last name of the first author followed by “ABSTRACT”. For example: “Jones ABSTRACT …”