General Manager
Characterization & Field Development Geosciences
Saudi Aramco
Dr. Al-Tawil has been a Manager of Characterization since late 2009. Prior to that he led different divisions in the Upstream Business Line of Saudi Aramco.
Dr. Al-Tawil joined Saudi Aramco in January 2000 where he worked in Gas Fields Characterization as a Carbonate Sequence Stratigrapher and led the Khuff Special Studies Team through to the end of 2003. Before joining Saudi Aramco, Dr. Al-Tawil spent two years with Mobil Technology Company in Dallas. Dr. Al-Tawil has a BS Degree in Geology from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia; and a PhD in Geology from Virginia Tech, USA, where he specialized in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy under Professor J. Fred Read, with an outcrop-based research on the Mississippian Carbonates of the Appalachian Foreland Basin.
Saudi Aramco
Khaled has been working at Saudi Aramco for more than 18 years. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Tulsa, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Calgary.
He has led the Dammam-7 supercomputer major project applications testing, implementation and development. Currently, Khaled works for the Geophysical Imaging Department as the Technical Assurance Group leader. His technical contributions include publications in borehole seismic, near surface, seismic imaging and HPC. Khaled has participated in local and international conferences and workshops as a co-chair, and technical committee member.