

6 April 2021

START: 10.00 AM GMT+4 (UAE Time)

TimePresentation Title
10.00 AMOpening Address by Masoud Al Hamadi (SNOC)

SESSION 1: Introduction to the Northern Emirates: prospectivity, geological setting, petroleum system(s)

Moderator: Mark Sarrssam (SNOC)
10.10 AMSystematic review of the play concepts in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah: an effective paradigm to appreciate the exploration potential of the Northern Emirates domain
Giacomo Firpo (RAK GAS)
10.35 AM Regional Geology of the Oman Mountains Fold and Thrust Belt, Insights from Seismic and Well data in the Emirate of Sharjah, UAE
Callum Thurley (SNOC)
11.00 AMPetroleum Systems of the Northern Emirates
Christoph Kierdorf (APT)
11.25 AMBreak

SESSION 2: Analysis of the structural styles and their implications on exploration strategies

Moderator: Hala Banihashim (SNOC)
11.35 AMEni approach to support the hydrocarbon prospectivity assessment through integrated multiscale structural and gravity analysis: the offshore RAK case study
Luca Spaggiari, Francesca Di Falco (Eni)
12.00 PMTectonostratigraphic Evolution of the Sohar Basin, Exploration Concepts and Emerging Plays Offshore the UAE’s East Coast
Callum Thurley (SNOC)
12.25 PMNew Opportunities for Exploration and Production in the Northern Emirates; the important role of outcrop geology from well to prospect scale
Janpieter van Dijk (OCRE Geosciences Services)
12.50 PMBreak

SESSION 3: The spectacular outcrops of the Musandam Peninsula: a key tool to develop exploration concepts

Moderator: Thibaut Bruckhart (RAK Gas)
1.00 PMStructural styles and evolution of the Musandam peninsula: new insights from outcrops in northern Oman Mountains (UAE, Ras Al Khaimah)
Mihai Tarapoanca (Danubian Energy)
1.25 PMInferring Prospectivity in the Northern Emirates from Surface Geology Observations: Implications for Exploration and Development
Raffik Lazar (GeomodL)
1.50 PMThe Wasia Group carbonates prospectivity in the Northern Emirates
Paul Swire (RAK Gas)
2.15 PMBreak

SESSION 4: Frontier technologies and exploration workflows to unlock the potential of the Northern Emirates Province

Moderator: Andrea Cozzi (Eni)
2.25 PMCutting-edge technologies and integrated workflow for velocity model building and imaging in a geologically complex area – A Case Study (Onshore Sharjah – UAE)
Davide Maggi (Eni)
2.50 PMRe-activation, Buttressing and Bulldozing. Implications of Cretaceous and Cenozoic Tectonics on the Petroleum Potential onshore Sharjah, UAE
Mark Cowgill (CGG)
3.15 PMPore pressure profile characteristics in Northern Emirates
Michał Kępiński (PGNiG)
3.40 PMOpen Discussion
4.10 PMClosing Remarks & End of Event