
  1.  Oil and Gas exploration as a Business, Capitalization of Exploration Projects
  2.  Safe and Efficient Production, Cost Reduction
  3.  Digital transformation, Qualitative Leap in Analysis and Data Accounting
  4.  Future Potential, Promising Areas Under Exploration
  5.  Best practices in petroleum exploration
  6.  Field Development Role at Appraisal and Exploration Stages, Science Engineering
  7.  New Technologies in Petroleum Exploration
  8.  Partnerships, Venture projects

Information about the topics and content of sessions of the 

«ProGRess'19 Conference: O&G exploration as a business»

1. O&G exploration as a business. Project management. Capitalization of exploration projects
O&G exploration is increasingly becoming a business for global companies, additional value created each step of its way. The approach implies a transition from managing one asset to building a portfolio of projects, each of them evaluated in terms of geology and investment attractiveness, taking into account their specifics of logistics, infrastructure and technological complexity. The session will be devoted to considering O&G exploration as a business that creates additional value in the projects implemented, due not only to building up the hydrocarbon reserves, but also to forming cost-effective options for further oil and gas production and reducing the cost of studying and launching them. The session will consider the best world practices and experience of companies in managing portfolios of projects, approaches to ranking their options and abandoning unpromising projects at an early stage.
2. Safe and efficient production. Reducing geological exploration costs (O&G exploration)
The session is held for the first time at the EAGE geological conference. Industrial safety is one of the key elements of successful business, including geological exploration. The discussion will be held in the format of an open dialogue among all participants of the professional community spanning such significant topics as typical solutions in the field of industrial safety and HSE risk management during O&G exploration projects, changing the Customer–Contractor interaction paradigm to a Partner–Partner one in order to establish long-term cooperation During the session, it is planned to consider examples of foreign and Russian practices and projects that have become more successful due to the development of a production culture.
3. Digital transformation is a qualitative leap in the analysis and level of data utilization
The session is devoted to the issues of digital acceleration and cheaper O&G exploration processes against the guaranteed high quality results. Speakers from oil and gas companies and the scientific community will share their experience in implementing digital solutions in production process, analyze successful practices and review lessons learned on the use of machine learning technologies, analysis of process data and decision making. Topics for discussion will also include the use of digital technologies to optimize seismic research in the field and office environment, optimization of exploration drilling programs, digital approaches to core analysis and Well log analysis, the creation of common knowledge bases stemming from the processing and machine analysis of objective information.
4. The potential of the future. Perspective areas for O&G exploration
The session is devoted to organizing O&G exploration in new exploration areas. Representatives of oil and gas companies, service and scientific organizations will share their experience in planning and implementing the O&G exploration program in poorly studied and hard-to-reach regions, successful practices and lessons learned on geophysical field work, drilling and borehole surveying, logistics and industrial safety. An important component of the discussion will be issues of interaction of oil and gas companies with the state in terms of stimulating O&G exploration in new exploration areas, synchronization of parametric drilling strategies (companies – government), discussion of promising regions and the strategy of O&G exploration in the Russian Federation beyond the horizon of 2020.
5. Best O&G exploration practices
A platform for discussions about success and failure cases, as well as efficiency strategies in implementing geological exploration projects. Participants at the session will discuss real-life case studies and ready-made solutions, their use in field and office conditions enabling successful implementation of O&G exploration projects. In addition to ready-made solutions, it is planned to discuss promising, but complex approaches, unobvious at first glance, in O&G exploration that require joint actions from oil and gas companies and contractors. The main objectives of the session are to provide decision makers with ready-made tools to realize O&G exploration projects, determine the next steps to form best practices in O&G exploration and implement them together after the conference ends.
6. Models of early stage deposit mining. Science engineering
The round table is devoted to modern approach to forming a concept of developing deposit sites at early stages of studying their assets. It is important to move from the classical perception of O&G exploration to the concept of a project at its early stage. The principal difference lies in forming the O&G exploration program and long-term well work-outs based on the technological and economic indicators of full development of the asset. The main tool herewith is becoming a probabilistic assessment of reserves and forecast production profiles, working with uncertainties that exert a primary impact on further development of the asset. This approach will be discussed in the context of studying the corridor of possible profiles, assessing the risk capital with a minimum of information at hand.
7. New technologies in O&G exploration
The main focus of the session is to acquaint its attendees with new technologies, approaches, methods and tools that are used by oil and gas and service companies in exploration. The “technological menu” in modern industry is very rich – there are many commercial technologies available, many companies seek to develop their own technologies for specific conditions, a number of technological solutions are adapted from related industries. Therefore, an important aspect of the session is to consider the actual practical experience and discuss the possibilities and limitations of the use of various technologies. 
8. Partnership. Venture projects
The session is devoted to issues and experience of conducting geological studies and O&G exploration in partnership between the oil and gas companies and the state. Participants will discuss the current interaction practices that are most sensitive for the companies and the state, and those critical angles that impede the process of effective joint exploration. Following the discussion, it is planned to generate a list of key industry challenges and a plan for their joint solution.


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