EAGE/SEG Research Workshop on Geophysical Aspects of Smart Cities

Date:17-18 December 2020




In urban areas it is an environmentally attractive solution to do geophysical mapping of subsurface geology by using ground borne vibrations from vehicles and machines as an input signal. By using stationary geophones or fiber-based distributed acoustic sensing the methodology should be also economically attractive for monitoring subsurface change under cities and intercity infrastructure.This is a methodology under development, and it has so far only been implemented in few cases, but as signal processing technology develops, the methodology would be anticipated to have high potential in several locations. It can be foreseen, with only little fantasy, that the methodology will be especially relevant for buildings and infrastructure located on potentially unstable ground.  

The question that should be the focus of the workshop is to which extent this Smart Cities technology will have a potential in European cities. Is it the time right now to develop the implementation? In this context it is relevant to ask what on one hand is the requirements with respect to source of signal, data acquisition and data processing. On the other hand it is relevant to ask under which geological and geotechnical conditions the methodology is most relevant. 

The workshop will focus on theoretical and practical challenges faced by this upcoming method. In this context, the workshop will encourage discussion of completed or planned case studies.  

The participants will achieve a state of art of the novel use of ambient noise as signal for near surface geological mapping and monitoring.