Oscar Llamosa

Oscar Llamosa-Ardila is a cross-disciplinary geologist, master of science, with 10+ years’ professional experience. His motto is Earth Sciences for society. Although he is best known for being part of the team that discovered 3 new oil fields in Colombia (Chipirón, Caño Rondón, Rex) - Oscar’s career spans more than a decade combining industry with research operations in core topics such as subsurface energy systems, reservoir characterization and management, and energy transition markets. Since the beginning of his professional career in the late 2000’s, Oscar has worked for international oil/energy operating companies such as Oxy (USA) and Ecopetrol (Colombia). He also has been involved in geoscientific R&D projects such as Fauces ICM-CSIC (Spain), Westmedflux ISTEP-CNRS (France), UNESCO IGCP636 (multinational), and has collaborated with university research groups at Royal Holloway University of London (UK), National University of Colombia, University of Medellín (Colombia), and CEGA - University of Chile. Currently he is the Communications Director at the Colombian Geothermal Association (AGEOCOL), also started as a new business development manager at Urge Energy, an Australian startup focused on IoT, energy management and automation.


Eduardo Lopez Ramos

Geologist from the National University of Colombia, graduated in 1996 with the thesis work: "Tectosedimentology of the León and Guayabo Formations in the Piedmont Llanero area, Casanare".  Master in Earth Sciences from the National University in 2004, with the work: "Structural Evolution of the Nazareth Syncline, the Guavio Anticline and the Yellow River Syncline and their Implications in the Sedimentation of the Paleogene and Neogene Units Involved."  Doctor of Earth and Universe Sciences from the Sophia Antipolis University of Nice (France) in 2009, with the work: "Evolution tectonostratigraphique du double bassin avant - arc de la marge convergente Sud Colombienne - Nord Equatorienne pendant le Cenozoïque" . 

He worked for 10 years for the Geological Survey of Colombia on geological mapping projects in the Piedemonte Llanero, Putumayo, Sur de Bolivar and Eje Cafetero and since 2009 he works for ECOPETROL in the exploration vice presidency, leading and participating in regional geology projects , definition of exploratory plays and prospective areas in the border basins of the Pacific, Caribbean and Llanos de Colombia. 

He is the author of numerous publications on regional geology in Colombia such as the "Upper crust models of Colombia", geomorphology with "The Magdalena fluvial system during the Pliocene - Quaternary, Tectonic context and Paleoclimatic scenario", remote sensors with "Facial Photoarchitecture Using Images Landsat Tm 5 And Conventional Aerial Photographs: Example On The Eastern Edge Of The Eastern Cordillera Of Colombia ”and seismic stratigraphy with:” High resolution seismic stratigraphy of the central sector neogene of the Colombian pacific continental shelf: a seismic expression of an active continental margin . 

He was part of the ACGGP board of directors as treasurer for the period 2014-15 and was editor of the Geopetroleo magazine of the same association in the period 2010-11. 


Marco Acuña

Marco Acuña Mora is an Electrical Engineer graduated from the University of Costa Rica. He has a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from the same university and an MBA from Edinburgh Business School, United Kingdom. Also, he is certified as a Project Management Professional from the Project Management Institute ®. He has 15 years of experience in the electricity industry working for public and private companies in Central America. He is currently the Electricity Business Manager at the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity and Director of the Board of Directors of the Empresa Propietaria de la Red (EPR), the owner of the Central America´s interconnection transmission line, SIEPAC.


Stephanie Tavares

Stephanie Tavares is a final year undergraduate student of geophysics from Fluminense Federal University. (UFF) in Brazil currently involved in the Characterization Project of the Geomorphology of the Continental Shelf and Sedimentary Distribution of the Continental Margin of the Santos Basin (PCR-BS), through participation in the geology and geomorphology group and is a member of the Student Chapter GSS - Geoscientific Student Society UFF. Previously, she collaborated in ambiental studies of models of sulfide oxidation, acid drainage, and recovery of degraded areas during the incomplete course of bachelor's degree in physics at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and had interest in Public Policies of Renewable Energies and dissemination during the ongoing course of bachelor's degree in International Relations (UNINTER).