We are glad to have you sharing your knowledge at one of our workshops! Please find below all useful information to help you prepare for your presentation. If you still have questions concerning abstract submission or technical programme please send an e-mail to lan@eage.org
Confirm your presentation
Confirm yourself or a co-author as presenter via lan@eage.org
Register for the conference
Speakers must be registered for the conference. Select your registration type and register now!
If a speaker is not able to come to the event to present their own paper, they may be represented by one of their co-authors. Again, to enable a meaningful technical discussion, the alternative speaker should be familiar with the presented work and its background. The speaker should inform the EAGE office before 10 November 2024 to indicate this.
If the alternate speaker is not familiar with the work and this becomes clear in the discussion, this could lead to rejection of future papers at EAGE events by both the original and the alternate speaker.