Third EAGE Workshop on Mineral Exploration in Latin America
9 - 10 November / Santiago de Chile - Chile
The Third EAGE Workshop on Mineral Exploration in Latin America is about the Latin American mineral exploration industry getting together to discuss local and global trends in resource exploration. It includes technical, academic, Environmental, Social, and Governance - ESG trends in the industry and how they are practically applied in this specific region. It promises to be an informative and engaging event that will provide attendees with valuable insights into the role of mining in the energy transition.
Dr. Stephen Edwards
Minerals & Mining, CGG, UKHazard Centre, UCL, UK
Anibal Gajardo Cubillos
Hernan Rivas Herrera
Senior Geophysicist- Teck Resources
Andre Rabelo
Xcalibur Multiphysics
Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH)
Felipe Espinoza González
Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería | Sernageomin
Jimena Vargas Otte
CODELCO - Corporación Nacional del Cobre, Chile
Energy Transition Observatory -Universidad Externado de Colombia
Early Registration Deadline | 31st August 2023! | |
Call for Abstracts Extended | Closed | |
Late Call for Abstracts | Closed | |
Icebreaker Reception | 9th November 2023 |
The EAGE Workshops are intimate. Interactive. They are the right place to learn from the experts and really get to know your fellow delegates within your industry. Join this or other EAGE workshops and start learning and networking in our next event!