Special section «Breaking the barriers»

What to expect?

For this special event at EAGE 2021, the challenges are threefold:

(i) breaking the barrier to open science and FAIR practices in geophysics;
(ii) breaking the barriers between researchers from the EU and Russia to enhance future collaborations on geophysics;
(iii) network with fellow geophysicists in times of virtual communication.  

Open Science and FAIR practices in geophysics

While other communities such as in Mathematics (arXiv) or in Neurosciences have already developed tools and adopted FAIR practices, the geophysical community has not yet sufficiently moved into a new era of open geophysical research sharing both data and methodologies, creating of large-scale databases and the development of standards for sharing.

We therefore invite contributions covering a wide range of different actors in ‘Open Science’, going from governance and policies over FAIR database management up till conception open-source codes and community-driven software packages. We will also emphasize how early-career researchers can benefit from making their research output open and gain visibility in their research community.

We encourage people to present their initiative during a virtual poster session (1h30 in total). The session will be held in a virtual conference hall specially designed for interaction with people, posters, whiteboards, etc. There will be time to chat with the authors during the poster presentation to ask your questions and help shape the future of open science in geophysics.

EU-Russia collaborations

In order to sparkle collaborations, we will highlight success stories of EU-Russian collaborations, pay attention to funding channels and exchange experiences. This will be done with short poster presentations and the possibility to exchange experiences with the people who shared their stories with us. If you have a great story yourself, feel free to contact us!

Virtual reception

There will be a virtual reception in our virtual conference venue where you can go chat with old friends or interesting unknowns. Come and check out who is actually behind those funny avatars!

Practical details

-       Conveners: Sarah Garré and Benjamin Mary

-       Costs: EAGE offer a free registration for the participation to the session “Breaking the barriers”.

-       Subscription: https://eage.eventsair.com/geophysics-for-landscape-studies-2021/registration-

-       Deadline: March 1st, 2021 

Confirmed invited speakers

·         Lindsey Heagy contributes to projects including open source software for computational geophysics and open access educational resources for the geosciences. She is a professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC, Canada). SimPEG is one example of the projects she has been working on.

·         Guillaume Blanchy contributes to open source codes such as ResIPy which is an API (Application Programming Interface) for inverting/modelling resistivity and IP data. It aims to be simple and intuitive to use while still allowing the user to have full control on data filtering, error modelling, mesh parameters and inversion settings

·         Benjamin Mary initiated the development of a data catalogue to collect and share research and datasets from agrogeophysical research: CAGS (https://agrogeophy.github.io/catalog/). He is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Padua in Italy and visiting research at LBLN, USA.

·         Paul McLachlan contributes the open source code EMagPy (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104561). EMagpy is an intuitive application for filtering and modelling frequency domain electromagnetic induction (EMI) data that offers the user a range of inversion approaches. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Bordeaux INP in France. 

·         Laura Busato is a science communicator and a former researcher in applied geophysics. In her poster, she will provide an overview of open science possibilities from the point of view of science communication. She currently works as communication officer at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova (Italy).

 Gather.town: our virtual conference venue


We hope to welcome you during this exciting online event!

Instructions for Poster Formatting:

Format Restrictions

Main document:

  • .png or .jpg format are the only file types that may be used.
  • Minimum width is 1000px (26.46cm).
  • Minimum height is 600px (15.88cm).
  • Maximum file size is 3MB.
  • No transparent background.

Preview “thumbnail” document:

  • .png or .jpg format 
  • A copy of the main poster document that has been made smaller.
  • Recommended width is half of the main document.
  • Recommended height is half of the main document.

Resizing your poster to fit the dimension requirements

The most simple way to edit the dimensions of a poster is using a slideshow editor such as powerpoint or keynote. Here we’ll show you step by step details on how to change your dimensions.

Powerpoint instructions

1.Select the Design tab of the toolbar ribbon
2.Select Slide Size icon near the far right end of the toolbar.

3.Select Custom Slide Size.

4.Change the Width and Height to be larger than the minimum size guidelines above (26.46cm and 15.88cm) and click okay.

5.Click Ensure Fit to make sure the resizing doesn’t stretch your poster in an undesirable way.

6.Repeat to create the preview poster with half of the width and height.