Dr. Choon Park

Dr. Choon Park is lead author of the MASW technique published in GEOPHYSICS in 1999 while he was working at the Kansas Geological Survey (KGS). Dr. Park founded Park Seismic LLC in 2007 where he is currently working as the principal geophysicist. He is the author of the ParkSEIS software for MASW analysis. Over the last two decades, Dr. Park has taught MASW training courses at more than twenty geophysical and geotechnicalconferences. Dr. Park received his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas (KU) and his master's (MS) degree from Ohio University. Dr. Park graduated from Seoul National University with a bachelor's degree.

Prof. Yih-Min Wu

Obtained Ph.D. in Geophysics from National Central University in 1999. Currently, is a Distinguished Professor of Dept. Geosciences, National Taiwan University and a Jointed Research Fellow at Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Works in the fields of Earthquake Early Warning, Real-time Seismology, and Seismotectonics. Serves as member of the editorial board of Earth, Planets and Space (2015-), Scientific Reports (2019-), Sensors (2021-) and Vietnam journal of Earth Sciences (2016-).

Prof. Jim Yeh

Dr. Yeh is a Professor in the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona and holds various university positions in North America and Asia. He has developed novel theories to characterize hydrological and geophysical properties of the subsurface at the basin scale. He has been promoting international cooperation in geosciences to embrace the concept of exploiting naturally occurring stimuli (such as storms, earthquakes, river stage, lightning, etc.) as energy sources for basin-scale subsurface tomographic surveys. This innovative new concept is the future of hydrological/geological sciences and other environmental sciences and engineering disciplines.

Dr. Koichi Suzuki

Dr. Koichi Suzuki is a technical advisor at Kawasaki Geophysical Engineering Co. Ltd., Japan since May 2022. He had been a professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University since 2019, and before that, belonged to Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. He has studied monitoring techniques near surface groundwater flow under the electric power facilities by using the electrical and the electromagnetic explorations. He has also studied interpretation techniques to estimate geophysical properties by using several types of geophysical exploration. He had compiled the SEGJ’s committee report on the application of multiple geophysical explorations to the civil engineering and construction fields.

Prof. Klaus Holliger

Klaus Holliger received MSc and PhD degrees in geophysics from ETH Zurich as well as apostgraduate degree in economics from the University of London. After a postdoc at RiceUniversity, he first rejoined ETH Zurich and then moved to a chaired professorship at theUniversity of Lausanne. He also holds adjunct-type professorships at ETH Zurich andZhejiang University. Klaus received SEG’s Harold Money, Frank Frischknecht, andDistinguished Service Awards. He is the 2022 SEG Honorary Lecturer Europe. Klaus hasserved as president of the Near Surface Geophysics Section of SEG, as editor-in-chief of theJournal of Applied Geophysics, and as co-editor of several books and special issues. Hisprimary research interest is hydrogeophysics sensu lato.

Prof. Jonathan Chambers

Jonathan Chambers is Head of the Shallow Geohazards & Earth Observation at the British Geological Survey. His research interests lie principally in the field of environmental and engineering geophysics. He is an honorary professor at Bristol University (UK), a Fellow of the Geological Society of London and a Chartered Geologist. He has published 90 peer-reviewed articles and more than 150 conference papers in the field of applied geophysics. Current research projects include the development electrical methods for geotechnical asset monitoring, landslide early warning systems, tracking soil moisture dynamics for agricultural applications, and mine waste characterisation and stability assessment.