All timings are as per UAE local time (GST-Gulf Standard Time)
Time | Presentation Title |
10:00 | Co-chair Welcome |
10:10 | Keynote: The Effect of Capillary Condensation on the Geomechanical Properties of Tight Formations: An Experimental Study Dr. AlBannay is a reservoir engineering specialist at ADNOC’s Unconventional Development Division. He received his PhD and BS in Petroleum Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. His thesis studied the effect of capillary condensation and confinement by observing changes in the geomechanical properties of tight rocks. He also received his MS from the University of Southern California. |
Session 1: Natural Fractures & Drilling OperationsSession Chairs: Abdelwahab Noufal (ADNOC) & Andreas Bauer (Aker BP) | |
10:50 | GE01 | The Geomechanics Impact of Faults and Discontinuities in Field Development—A Must-Do Assessment Presenter: Julian Guerra (Schlumberger) Authors: J. Guerra<1>* Affiliations: <1> Schlumberger |
11:20 | GE02 | Cluster Spacing Optimization: A Geomechanical Modeling Perspective Presenter: Nubia Aurora Gonzalez (Repsol TechLab) Authors: N.A. Gonzalez<1>*, P.E. Vargas<1>, J. Alvarellos<1>, R.H. Lakshmikantha<1> Affiliations: <1> Repsol TechLab |
11:50 | GE03 | Fracture density variation at different observation scales in carbonate reservoir outcrop analogues Presenter: Sotirios Kokkalas (University of Patras) Authors: S. Kokkalas<1>*, I. Vakalas<2>, R. Jones<3> Affiliations: <1> University of Patras; <2> National Technical University of Athens; <3> Geospatial Research. University of Durham |
12:20 | GE04 | Paleo-to Present-day-in-Situ Stress Discrepancies Presenter: Hamda Alshehhi (ADNOC) Authors: H. Alshehhi<1>*, A. Noufal<1>, M. Belouahchia<2> Affiliations: <1> ADNOC; <2> AIQ |
12:50 | Discussion Session |
13:05 | Break |
13:35 | GE05 | Wellbore Instability Mechanism Evaluation by Computer Vision on Cavings Presenter: Nicolas Castillo (Repsol) Authors: N. Castillo<1>*, J.R. Campos<1>, M.A. Caja<1>, E. Ibanez<1>, C. Santos<1> Affiliations: <1> Repsol TechLab |
14:05 | GE06 | Understanding near wellbore fracture behaviour for loss mitigation Presenter: Kevin Galbraith (Lundin Energy Norway) Authors: K. Galbraith<1>*, R. Newman<2> Affiliations: <1> Lundin Energy Norway; <2> Schlumberger |
14:35 | PO01 | Drilling efficiency improvement driven by geomechanics study Presenter: Guifen Xi (ADNOC) Authors: G. Xi<1>*, H. Biyanni<1>, R. Singh<1>, S. AlJaberi<1>, J. Alblooshi<1> Affiliations: <1> ADNOC Offshore |
14:55 | PO02 | Increasing Operational Efficiency of a Wildcat Exploration Well in Southern Asia Presenter: Sanjeev Kumar (KUFPEC) Authors: S. Kumar<1>*, A. Aghazada<1>, E. Al-Duaij<1>, S. Al-Hajri<1>, K. Al-Athainah<1>, A. Al-Temimi<1> Affiliations: <1> Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC) |
15:15 | Discussion Session |
15:30 | End of Day 1 |
Time | Presentation Title |
10:00 | Methods and Applications for 3D Geomechanics |
13:00 | Break |
Session 2: Reservoir GeomechanicsSession Chairs: Giorgio Volonte (Eni), Sotirios Kokkalas (University of Patras) | |
13:30 | GE07 | A parametric study on overburden stress evolution using a generalized Geertsma solution Presenter: Michinori Asaka (INPEX) Authors: M. Asaka<1,2>* Affiliations: <1> NTNU; <2> INPEX |
14:00 | GE08 | Digital Assistants for 3D Geomechanical Modeling: an Application for a Pre-salt Carbonate Field Presenter: Flavia Falcao (Petrobras) Authors: F. Falcao<1>*, R. Amaral<1> Affiliations: <1> Petrobras |
14:30 | GE09 | Application of New Geomechanics Technology and Workflow for E&P in a Carbonate Field Presenter: Nick Koutsabeloulis (Geomex Software Solutions Limited) Authors: N. Koutsabeloulis<1>*, D. Press<1>, C. Guerra<2>, R. Sonwa<2>, T. Swedan<3>, P.E. Menon<3> Affiliations: <1> Geomex Software Solutions Limited; <2> WintershallDEA Gmbh; <3> ADNOC |
15:00 | Break |
15:30 | GE10 | Geomechanical Integration for Infill Wells Optimization in Fractured Condition Waterflooding Field: An example from Sultanate of Oman Presenter: Mohammed Al Aamri (PDO) Authors: M. Al Aamri<1>* Affiliations: <1> Petroleum Development of Oman |
16:00 | GE11 | Geomechanical Assessment De-risking Fault Stability and Cap Rock Integrity for Gas Injection in a Carbonate Field in Sultanate of Oman Presenter: Mohammed Al Aamri (PDO) Authors: M. Al Aamri<1>* Affiliations: <1> Petroleum Development of Oman |
16:30 | Discussion Session: Lessons Learned and New Frontiers in Geomechanics |
17:00 | End of Day 2 |
Time | Presentation Title |
10:00 | Procedures for Core Testing and Application to Middle Eastern Rocks This session will cover: 1) Methods for determining tensile and shear failure 2) Reservoir compaction with emphasis on predicting pore collapse 3) Tight rock requirements for frac design 4) Shale stability—mechanical and chemical changes affecting wellbore stability. A geomechanics overview will be included in Part 1 where the importance of representative sampling will be covered in addition to a brief review of the basic laboratory rock mechanics tests commonly used for constructing geomechanics models. Parts 2 thru 4 will cover more advanced rock mechanics testing including examples taken from the region. J. Wesley (Wes) Martin has more than 35 years of rock mechanics laboratory experience tied to both commercial and government programs. Currently, Wes accepted a new assignment in UAE as Rocks Domain Champion Eastern Hemisphere. Previously, Wes was Operations Manager at TerraTek, Schlumberger Geomechanics Center of Excellence, located at Salt Lake City, Utah USA. Wes spent over a decade managing the Rock Mechanics Lab while working closely with the unconventional core analysis group. During his tenure at TerraTek starting in 1985, Wes was continually involved with customizing laboratory techniques and developing new technologies for many research related geomechanics programs. |
13:00 | Break |
Session 3: Experimental GeomechanicsSession Chairs: Mohammed Al Aamri (PDO) & Francis Elisabeth (Saudi Aramco) | |
13:30 | GE12 | How to obtain inexpensive calibration of unconfined compressive strength without destructing the core Presenter: Michał Kępiński (Polish Oil and Gas Company) Authors: M. Kępiński* Affiliations: <1> Polish Oil and Gas Company; <2> AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas |
14:00 | GE13 | Core Testing Solutions of Shale Formations Through Shale Stability Analysis for Drilling Optimization Presenter: Eudes Muniz (Schlumberger) Authors: E. Muniz<1>*, R.N. Khan, J.B. Molster, M.A. Shaver, J.W. Martin, A.J. Mascarenhas, J. Guerra Affiliations: <1> ADNOC/Schlumberger |
14:30 | GE14 | Sonic Velocity in Dolostones. Examples from the Arabian Platform Presenter: Moaz Salih (KFUPM) Authors: M. Salih<1>*, A. El-Husseiny<1>, J.J.G. Reijmer<1,2>, H. Eltom<1>, A. Abdelkarim<1>, M.A. Kaminski<1> Affiliations: <1> King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; <2> Independent Researcher |
15:00 | Break |
15:30 | PO03 | A Novel Approach to Evaluate the Nature and Rock Mass Quality of Near-Surface Granitic Strata Presenter: Adedibu Sunny Akingboye (Universiti Sains Malaysia) Authors: A.S. Akingboye<1,2>*, A.A. Bery<1> Affiliations: <1> School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia; <2> Department of Earth Sciences, Adekunle Ajasin University |
15:50 | PO04 | Land Surface Movement Driven by Groundwater Dynamics Presenter: Muhagir Elkamali (UAE University) Authors: M. Elkamali<1>*, C. Loupasakis<2>, I. Papouptsis<3>, A. Abuelgasim<1> Affiliations: <1> National Water & Energy Center, Geography & Unban Sustainability, United Arab Emirates University; <2> The National Technical University of Athens, School of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Dept. of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology; <3> Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens |
16:10 | Discussion Session |
16:40 | Closing Remarks & End of Workshop |