Information for Presenters

We are glad to have you sharing your knowledge at one of our events. Please find below all the useful information to help you prepare for your presentation. 

Presenter Name Confirmation

To ensure the success of the forthcoming workshop and to satisfy the high expectations of the delegates, it is important that speakers adhere to certain standards and guidelines. These are explained in the following pages and we kindly request that you read them carefully.

As a presenter, you are going to communicate the result of your work. In doing so, you should consider carefully who your target audience are and what is of interest to them. It should be kept in mind that most delegates are practicing geoscientists who expect to leave the workshop with new ideas and developments that are applicable to their respective business activities.

Additionally, the amount and detail of information that can be communicated in a 20-minute presentation is very limited. This means that complexities, detailed derivations, and involved arguments will fail to reach your audience. Simple statements and illustrations are easier to understand, and these must convey the essence of your presentation. 

It is important to note that EAGE acknowledges the use of generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, Bard, etc, in research publications, books, articles and abstracts. However, some concerns have been raised about these tools and therefore EAGE has some rules in place. Refer to the EAGE statement on AI generated content for papers for more details.

If you still have questions concerning abstract submission or technical programme please send an email to or


EAGE does not permit presentations that are commercial in tone. No product names or trademarks may be used. The Programme Committee reserves the right to refuse permission to display any presentation slides considered commercial in nature.


All presenters must register for the workshop before  20 September 2024.  Presenters are entitled to the Early Bird Rate until the Late Registration rate starts. 


If you are unable to give your presentation or if you will not be the presenter of the presentation(s), please inform us by 6 August 2024

(Please note that failure to do so will be considered a no-show and will disqualify you from presenting at all EAGE events for the next 3 years.) 

Technical Discussion

An integral part of a technical presentation is the technical discussion at the end of the presentation. The presenter should be prepared and able to discuss their paper with their peers in the audience during the dedicated slot. The discussion will be facilitated by the session chairs. 

The structure of a good presentation is as follows:

  • Define the subject, give a general outline and state the goals of your presentation in your introduction. 

  • Work out your presentation in more detail.

  • Summaries and draw conclusions, which refer to your introduction.

  • Limited number of slides (10 – 15 slides)

  • Prefer Calibri or Arial in font size not smaller than 14pt

  • Use dark text on light background or light text on dark background. 

  • Do not use ALL CAPS except for titles

If a speaker is not able to come to the event to present their own paper, they may be represented by one of their co-authors. Again, to enable a meaningful technical discussion, the alternative speaker should be familiar with the presented work and its background. The speaker should inform the EAGE office by 6 August 2024 to indicate this.

If the alternate speaker is not familiar with the work and this becomes clear in the discussion, this could lead to rejection of future papers at EAGE events by both the original and the alternate speaker.

Technical Programme 

The Technical Programme is subject to change, therefore please check our website for updates.

Abstract Layout

Titles should be short (max. 120 characters, longer titles will be cut off) and relevant. Abstracts must be in English, original and not have appeared in any other publication.

The body of the abstract needs to be one - two (1 - 2) full pages in length, paper size A4. Abstracts that are shorter than 1 full page may be required to resubmit should it is requested by the reviewer. The abstract should consist of text and appropriate figures supporting the key message. The text should contain at least one figure and references. 

Please do not use more than 1 column for text, do not frame the text, and please upload the body of your abstract as one document with embedded figures.

A good abstract set in the Workshop Template consists of an introduction, the main description of theory or method broken down as appropriate and illustrated with figures, conclusions, optional acknowledgements and references. It should reflect work that is actually completed at the time of submission and not plans or ideas that are still taking shape in the mind of the author or research that is still highly immature.

The abstract must concentrate in itself the essential information of the presentation: purpose, methods, results and conclusions. It should be an abbreviated, informative, accurate representation of the presentation and not a mere recital of the subjects to be covered.

Template usage:

  • Do not make a cover page for your abstract. EAGE will make this for you with the title, authors and summary. Therefore, do not include this information in the body text of your abstract.
  • Start the body text of your abstract directly under the conference logo
  • Use font ‘Times New Roman 11pts’ with single line spacing. Set the alignment as justified and use the standard Word outline level (body text).
  • Do not add empty lines or modify the line space.
  • Use 2,54 cm (1”) for top, bottom, left and right margin.

Please ensure every citation has a reference and vice versa.

Number the figures sequentially, according to their appearance in the text, and check that each figure is cited in the text.

Supply a short caption for each figure; more detailed discussion of the figure can be reserved for the text. 

presentation tips

Industry Specialists Give you Some Useful Tips!

EAGE Video Series

Presenting to a live audience, whether they are a small group of colleagues or dozens of people is something learned from practice. That is why EAGE would like to help you on your way. Six seasoned presenters shared their experience and advice on preparing presentations on how to capture and how to keep the audience’s attention and on what they have learned over the years. The videos address different questions and situations, so whatever your concern is, the answer is here. This teaser introduces all speakers with a short ‘soundbite’. We are delighted that they have shared their advice and experience with us in this new EAGE video series! For all other videos click on the link below.

All Videos