Monday, 28 April 2025 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Instructor | Ian F Jones (Independent Consultant) |
Language | English |
Level | Intermediate |
Duration | 1-day |
Format | Classroom setting |
Over the past ten years, full waveform inversion (FWI) as emerged and developed to the point that is now the main technique of choice for detailed model building and reflectivity estimation for complex geological environments. In this review, the instructor will outline the underlying principles involved in FWI, detailing the use of RTM to estimate the location of subsurface parameter error, and introduce the many and varied 'flavors' of FWI, noting their limitations and benefits. Use of FWI for model estimation, reflectivity generation, and pre-sack attribute analysis (AVA) will be covered, and demonstrated with field data examples.
For the topics listed below, real data examples will be used to demonstrate the application and limitation of each technique.
The course is designed to be followed by anyone with a broad geoscience background
No specific detailed foreknowledge is required, although a familiarity with geophysical terminology will be useful
Ian received a joint honours BSc in Physics with Geology from the University of Manchester, UK in 1977, an MSc in Seismology from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and a PhD in Geophysical Signal Processing from the University of British Columbia, Canada.
After working for 'Inverse Theory & Applications' in Canada for two years, he joined CGG where for 15 years he was involved in R&D in the London and Paris offices, latterly as manager of the depth imaging.