Reservoir Characterization, Optimization to Add Value
Regional and Stratigraphic Framework
Conceptual Depositional Environment and Sedimentology
Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Novel Geological Modeling
Petrophysical Reservoir Characterization
Uncertainty Management and Workflows in Geomodeling
Data Integration and Novel Approaches to Reduce Uncertainties
Best Practices in Capturing Subsurface Uncertainty through Workflow Efficiency
Innovative Reservoir Modeling
Advances in Complex Structural Modeling
Best Practices in Reservoir Modeling
Fractured Reservoir Characterization and Modeling
Geomodeling Applications to Exploration and Appraisal Studies
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Application
Geomodeling for Carbon Capture and Storage
Overburden Modeling
Geomechanical Inputs to Geomodeling
Latest Techniques and Advances in Reservoir Modeling
CO2 Modeling
Improved Recovery and Reservoir Management
Production Attainability, Case Study through Reservoir Modeling
EOR Case Studies
The Call for Abstracts is open now!