Keynote: Darryl Willis

Our world continues to face an unprecedented pandemic which is changing everything about our communities, industries and businesses. Fueled by market volatility, demand for energy transition and the need to ensure the health and safety of employees, companies have been forced to collaborate differently and accelerate their digital plans.

Given the business-critical nature of effective collaboration, we are learning from our customers, partners and colleagues about how they are adapting to the remote work environment. The common theme speaks to the power of digital technology as many share stories of feeling better connected.  

Improving productivity and efficiency are also key business requirements to survive in today’s environment of decreased oil and gas demand and prices. With the ‘next generation’ of digital tools and workflows, companies have an opportunity to become more agile, adaptive and productive.  Energy operators are moving their big data and HPC estates to the cloud to reduce cost and improve operational efficiency. Access to legacy data leverages analytics and drives insights that were previously hidden, to improve workflow, productivity and performance. 

During this keynote, Darryl will speak to how the industry has adapted to what no one would have imagined possible. He will share trends, key learning and best practices to support enabling your teams for business continuity, resilience and success. 

Keynote: Neil Hookway

Woodside committed to a strategic partnership with Schlumberger in 2019 to leverage this secure cloud-based DELFI software environment to increase consistency, reduce study cycle time and foster innovation in its subsurface characterization and development activities. The dual challenges of the oil price shock and COVID 19 arrived on the back of Woodside successfully deploying DELFI into a number of assets. With business priorities changing, the opportunity to create value by accelerating the roll-out of DELFI in support of remote working, while minimising ongoing technical debt was embraced. 

Keynote: David Hicks

Upstream Oil and Gas companies face increasingly complex strategic decisions as they seek to meet growing energy demand while at the same time maintaining capital discipline, reducing emissions and meeting investor expectations amid the great Energy Transition.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting oil and gas demand destruction has only increased the need to better manage assets and business processes. A holistic approach to the digitalization of your entire ecosystem is the single best strategy to achieving the necessary capital and carbon efficiency for a sustainable future.

Physical to digital, digital to physical and complete access to all necessary information are all aspects of a complete digital transformation strategy. Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence and access to massive data lakes of information all require a foundation of the highest quality information, in its many forms, in order to truly unlock new insights and improve the capital to capacity ratio in this industry.Improvement of exploration success through a more complete understanding of subsurface properties and outcomes via these new analytical tools have immediate impact on both profitability and carbon footprint. 

Oil and gas companies face an existential threat in today’s global economy: become more agile, reduce expenses and tune your investment decisions to only the best opportunities or face declining profits.The energy company of the future will be a digital one, composed of a new set of analytical talent, moving rapidly in response to an ever changing new business environment.