Tuesday, 8 September | 1430 - 1600 (GMT +8)

What are the learnings, surprises and pitfalls your company has experienced in developing digital workflows? What works and what doesn’t? Is it technology implementation or business reorganization or both? Is the main issue that good quality data is not readily available? Many companies are a few years into their initiatives or providing targeted solutions. What have we learnt so far? What is the reality behind the ‘hype’?  

Digitalization enables Data Analytics which feeds Machine Learning and ultimately develops into Artificial Intelligence. Too often we jump straight into initiatives without fully understanding the business problem that we are trying to solve. In today’s environment of restricted travel and low oil price, efficiency is of paramount importance. Therefore, the panel members will be from companies that have made innovations in developing data driven and digital workflows. 


  • To discuss cases where workflows and combinations of digital technologies are leveraged to provide new insights into the subsurface and at the same time improving pace.
  • To review workflows and digital integration to break down corporate silos and inform decisions based on holistic data driven solutions.


Tim Johnson, PETRONAS Carigali 

Timothy had spent 35 years working as a Geoscientist of which the last 30 years was spent in the oil and gas industry. He is a structural geologist by training having spent his Ph.D. studying compressional tectonics in the Palaeozoic Acadian Basin of Wales. Tim joined PETRONAS Exploration in 2019 and is a Custodian in Petroleum Geoscience in the Technical Assurance Team. He helps explorers worldwide to assess basins and plays, acquire blocks, assess prospectivity, propose wells, assess discoveries and well results. Since 2019, he is leading part of a PETRONAS digitalization project called NeXTGen which aims to significantly improve exploration workflow efficiency. 


Norbert Dolle, White Space Energy

Norbert Dolle is the current Managing Partner at White Space Energy. He co-founded White Space Energy, aimed at delivering state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to redefine complex decision-making in the energy industry. In May, White Space Energy was voted the Most Promising 2019 Oil and Gas Startup by participants of the IIoT & Digital Solutions Conference in Amsterdam.

Therese Rannem, Neptune Energy 

Therese Rannem is the Digital Subsurface Programme Manager at Neptune Energy. With her team and partners, Therese is introducing new technology like (public) cloud computing, the principle of a common data platform and machine learning. The aim for digital transformation of the subsurface in Neptune is smart application of technology to enable ‘faster discovery of hydrocarbons with more certainty at a lesser cost’. As technology is moving full speed ahead, Therese is leading the work to find the best way to bring back value fast, and at the same time build the next generation workflows for subsurface.

Nina Marie Hernandez, Iraya Energies 

As Founder-Geoscientist, Nina has bootstrapped Iraya Energies, a fast-growing AI scale-up during an industry downturn in 2016. In her entrepreneurial journey in deep technology development, Nina has learned together with her young dynamic team- how to do more with less, how to say no, how to pivot, take risks, and grab opportunities in a downcycle. Supported by their recent successful Series A, today, Nina’s focus is growing Iraya to be a global brand and its core product, ElasticDocs, is a recognized leader in unstructured data analytics, to enable geoscientists to form deep insight about the earth’s subsurface for application in the oil and gas, and new energy transition. She is based in Asia.