Eighth EAGE Workshop on Passive Seismic

Date:6-7 December 2020
Location:Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The value of passive seismic data is measured by its capacity to impact business critical decisions. Although passive seismic data have been used extensively for these purposes, often the decision makers receive mixed messages from their technical experts on the validity and accuracy of processing and interpretation results from their passive seismic projects. This workshop focuses on topics and solutions that have a direct impact on the cost-effectiveness and value-add of passive seismicity. 

We invite presentations on a broad range of topics, covering novel methods (both, processing and instrumentation), as well as applications to satisfy regulatory needs. Processing standards and comparability of results across the industry is currently seen by many as an obstacle to progress in the use of passive seismic monitoring technologies and their application. We therefore invite contributions to stimulate discussion on how to achieve processing and reporting standards across different industries (geothermal, hydraulic fracture stimulations, reservoir monitoring, and mining to name a few applications).  

This highly interactive workshop brings together some of the leading experts in the fields of planning, acquisition, processing and interpretation of passive seismicity and allows the participants to identify specific solutions for current problems in the application of passive seismic data. Interactive poster-sessions and round-table discussion groups provide a unique opportunity to network and discuss how to advance the technology.

The value of passive seismic data is measured by its capacity to impact business critical decisions.