Keynote Speakers C.P.A. (Kees) Wapenaar 

Emeritus Professor, Section of Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics, Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology

Prof. Kees received his M.Sc. degree in applied physics in 1981 and his Ph.D. degree in applied sciences in 1986, both from the Delft University of Technology. From 1986 until 1999, he was a project leader of the Delphi consortium in the Department of Applied Physics. In 1999, he was appointed Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor in the Department of Geotechnology, also at TU Delft. Since 2002, he has headed the Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Section. Since 1986, he has co-supervised 30 Ph.D. and 75 M.Sc. students.


Founder & Chief Technical Advisor, ACTeQ

Dave Monk holds a PhD in Physics from Nottingham University in the UK and served as director of geophysics and as a distinguished advisor at Apache Corporation, until his retirement in October, 2019. Monk started his career on seismic crews in Nigeria and has subsequently been involved in seismic processing and acquisition in most parts of the world. Throughout his career, he has retained an interest in developing innovative ways to acquire, process, and utilise seismic data to improve final interpretation. An author of over 100 technical papers and articles, as well as a number of patents, Monk has received several Best Paper Awards throughout his career.

Matteo Ravasi 

Assistant Professor, KAUST | Head of Deep Imaging Group | PyLops core developer

Matteo is an Assistant Professor at KAUST in the School of Earth Science and Engineering, member of the Extreme Computing Research Center, and co-Director of the DeepWave industry funded consortium. Prior to that, Matteo held a variety of roles in Equinor both within research and operations and has led the development of several open-source software products in the geophysical domain. He holds a Phd in Geophysics from the University of Edinburgh.

Matteo has made contributions in the areas of seismic processing, imaging, and inversion, he is the inventor of 2 international patents and author of 20+ peer reviewed papers. For his work, Matteo is the recipient of the SEG Karcher Award, EAGE Arie van Weelden award, RAS Keith Runcorn Prize, and Gustavo Sclocchi Theses Award.

 Gilles Lambaré 

Research Director, CGG 

Gilles Lambaré is Research Director at CGG (France). Before joining CGG in 2006, Gilles was for 12 years assistant professor at School of Mines of Paris. He got a PhD thesis in geophysics from University of Paris 7 and is a former student of École Normale Supérieure of Paris. He was recipient of the best SEG poster award (2003) and of the SEG Reginald Fessenden Award (2016). Gilles is associate editor for Geophysics, Geophysical Prospecting and Journal of Seismic Exploration.

Amine Ourabah

Professor, Chief Geophysicist, STRYDE

Amine Ourabah is a Geophysicist specialised in Land seismic acquisition, processing and imaging in both business and R&D context.  Amine started his career with Veritas-DGC then joined BP R&D team where he was supporting different BP assets and working on various R&D projects related to high trace density onshore seismic. Amine was a member of the team that invented the “nimble node” technology which led to the creation of STRYDE through BP Launchpad, where he now holds the position of Chief Geophysicist.