Become a Sponsor

With an array of unique promotional opportunities available, we can help you design the perfect programme to enhance your company’s experience at First EAGE Data Processing Workshop 2024. The Main Sponsor Programme exposes attendees and businesses to your company and promotes your presence within the industry. 

EAGE strives to realise recognition, long term exposure, benefits and publicity for companies that sponsor EAGE workshops.

Main Sponsor Opportunities

(N.B. All sponsorship prices are in USD)

Platinum Sponsor


  • 4 complimentary registrations 
  • Minimum 3 social media posts
  • Video break advert
  • Logo on each table in the workshop conference room
  • Logo on workshop holding slide
  • Logo and sponsorship title plus a link included on the EAGE workshop website under “Sponsoring”
  • Logo and link on homepage of the workshop website
  • Logo in all email broadcasts sent to members promoting the workshop
  • Logo on the cover page of the workshop Programme & Final Announcement
  • Thank you message in post event report listed in EAGE First Break to all members
  • Word of thanks from workshop Chairpersons

Investment: USD 17,500 

Gold Sponsor


  • 2 complimentary registrations
  • Minimum 2 social media posts 
  • Logo on each table in workshop conference room 
  • Logo on workshop holding slide 
  • Logo and sponsorship title plus a link included on the EAGE workshop website under “Sponsoring”
  • Logo on the workshop Programme & Final Announcement
  • Word of thanks from Chairman at workshop 

Investment: USD 14,500

Other Sponsor Opportunities

 Lanyards (Exclusive) 


  • Logo and sponsorship title plus a link included on the EAGE workshop website under “Sponsoring”
  • Logo on the workshop Programme & Final Announcement
  • Branded lanyard – sponsor to provide
  • Word of thanks from Chairman at workshop 

Investment: USD 6,500 (Lanyards to be provided by the sponsoring company)

Lunches (Max. 2 sponsors)


  • Company logo & link on sponsor page of the conference website as “Lunch Sponsor”
  • Logo in the lunch area & on dining tables
  • Logo on workshop Programme & Final Announcement
  • Logo on holding slide to be displayed prior to lunch break
  • Word of thanks from Chairman 

Investment: USD 8,500

Coffee Breaks (Max. 2 sponsors)


  • Company logo & link on sponsor page of the workshop website as “Coffee Break Sponsor” 
  • Logo at the coffee stations
  • Logo on workshop Programme & Final Announcement
  • Word of thanks from Chairman 

Investment: USD 6,000

Workshop Dinner (Exclusive)

Associate your company with a fun, informal evening, where attendees will reunite with friends, acquaintances and colleagues, while enjoying fine food, drinks, and first-class entertainment.


  • Logo and sponsorship title plus a link included on the EAGE workshop website under “Sponsoring” 
  • Logo on the workshop Programme & Final Announcement 
  • Logo on tables during the dinner 
  • 1 social media post pre-dinner 
  • Word of thanks from the Chairman at workshop 
  • Word of thanks from the Chairman at dinner

Investment: USD 9,000

Icebreaker Reception (Exclusive)


  • Logo on workshop Programme & Final Announcement 
  • Company Logo & Sponsorship Title at the entrance to the Icebreaker Reception 
  • Logo on all cocktail tables
  • Logo on directional signs to the Icebreaker 
  • Minimum 1 social media posts pre-reception
  • Word of thanks from the Chairman at reception

Investment: USD 7,000 

Registration Sponsor 


  • Company logo at the event registration webpage
  • Company logo in the registration email sent to all confirmed delegates 
  • Company logo + link to company's website on the event’s webpage
  • Company logo on the "thank you" email sent to all registered delegates
  • Company logo on-site at the registration desk 
  • Company logo on the on-site Programme 
  • Company logo on the social media thank you post 
Investment: USD 4,000 

Video Advertisement


  • Promotional video of the company displayed after each break (2x per day)
    - Video provided by the sponsor
    - Maximum 1 minute (30 seconds is advised)
  • Company logo + link to company's website on the event’s webpage.

Investment: USD 3,500

Company Display

In order to have maximum exposure at the workshop, companies can have a company display in the workshop area. The display package consists of:

  • 1 full delegate registration
  • 1 Table & 2 Chairs
  • 1 Power socket (inclusive of standard power consumption)
  • 2 meters of space behind the table (any background materials need to be produced by the company and brought to the venue themselves)

     Investment: USD 4,200

Please send your expression of interest to, following which you will be sent a Sponsorship Contract to sign and return.