1. Formation Evaluation and Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs. Understanding Geological Risk and Uncertainties.
- Key Drivers for Understanding Reservoir Quality.
- New Trends in Special Core Analysis and Core-Flood Testing.
- Nano pore rock Imaging, Digital Twins cores characterization approaches.
- Petrophysical and Reservoir Characterization (Rock and Reservoir Quality).
- New tools and applications for Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs.
- Uses, application ranges and responses of a new set of logging tools to evaluate the key rock property parameters.
- Interactions and Compatibility in a Rock, Reservoir and Completion fluids system.
- Well Testing and Pressure Transient Analysis. DFIT and PIFBRT.
2. Integrated Geosciences and Reservoir Engineering approach to Explore, Appraisal and Development of Unconventional Reservoirs.
- Workflows designs for data capture, analysis and modelling.
- Geosciences approach as a tool for alternative forecasts for taking decisions.
- Source Rock Typing and Modeling, attributes for Production Fluids types predictions.
- Impacts of Seismic-data scale as input for an integrated Geological and Geomechanics Characterization.
- Integrated Geomechanics Modelling, a key factor in Unconventional Reservoirs.
- Understanding of Frac Hits.
- Weak interfaces and Discrete Fractures Networks (DFN).
- SRV-SPV Characterization using Microseismic attributes.
- Pore Pressure Modelling and forecasting.
- Rock Effort characterization in Choke Management strategy to improve well productivity.
- Rocks and Fluids characterization using NMR.Production Forecast and EUR estimations.
3. Drilling and Completion Strategies to maximize EUR in Unconventional Developments.
- Drilling trajectory strategy using Geomechanics parameters. Operational density windows.
- Landing point and trajectory, key parameters to follow the drilling plan. Geosteering.
- Well spacing considering SRV and SPV interference.
- Impact of hydraulic fracturing design in the SRV-SPV generation.
- Evolution of fracture geometry according to the Choke Management strategy.
- Peak production vs. EUR?Infill Drilling, challenges to improve a drainage area in unconventional fields. Father, Child and Sibling wells interactions.
- Hydraulics Refracturing jobs in depleted wells, must it be considered as an option before initial field development?
4. Enhance Oil and Gas Recovery in Unconventional Reservoirs.
- Gas Injection, best strategy to improve EUR?
- EGR using CO2, advantages as a fracture fluid and enhances fluids. Supercritical State.
- Miscibility, Flow and Phase Behavior of Reservoir Fluids.
- Combustible Gas Injection, Huff & Puff cycles. Soaking time.
- Alcohol and Nano-surfactants agents as EOR fluids. Strategy and Research.
- Facilities and Equipment for EOR treatments in high pressure Unconventional Reservoir.
- Case Studies in EOR/EGR Pilots.
5. Machine Learning and Big Data. A new approach to improve the value of data for taking decisions.
- Planning data capture as input for the machine learning process.
- Use of data mining and data analytics as a tool to identify key variables to improve well production and EUR.
- Key Performance Index, forecast and postmortem analysis using Big Data techniques.
- Digital Oil Field. Downhole and surface data gathering in a novel interface in order to take operational decisions in Real Time. Workflow and data integration. Case studies.
6. Novel approach in Materials and Equipment to improve Unconventional Developments.
- Novel Fracturing Fluids to improve proppant carrying in micro and nano pore rocks.
- Proppants agents as vehicles for slow release.
- Fracture geometry characterization in near wellbore.
- Plug and perf completions, saving money using degradable plugs.
- Digital Rock, a new approach to create a Core digital twin.
- Improvements in Fracture Geometry simulation with a customized finite element development.
- Case studies and Labs conclusions and constraints.
7. Key Factors for Investments in Unconventional Reservoirs considering environmental and social implications.
- The challenge to increment Water recycling as hydraulic fluid.
- Unconventional Hydrocarbons developments, a new Energy source for self-supply? Legal frame and Regulations.
- Unconventional Players Benchmarking, best practice to improve asset value.
- The treadmill challenge to optimize Development Cost.
- Social investments in Communities near unconventional developments.
- Unconventional Hydrocarbons, time evolution of its contribution in countries’ energy matrix.