1.a. Hydrocarbon seal importance to exploration strategies
1.b. Seal stratigraphy and facies variations in carbonate and clastic environments
1.c. Geometries for top and lateral seals using seismic data for structural setting
1.d. Lateral seals assessment in stratigraphic/diagenetic entrapment
1.e. Forward stratigraphic/diagenetic modeling for seal development
1.f. Seal evaluation and prediction within sequence stratigraphic framework
2.a. Seal capacity assessment using capillarity methods
2.b. Seal evaluation from outcrop to subsurface data
2.c. Fault and fracture predictions in seal intervals
2.d. Fault seal analysis for structural entrapment
2.e. Geomechanics and seal integrity of conventional hydrocarbon reservoirs
2.f. Overpressure predictions for seal integrity
3.a. Integration of petrophysical, rock mechanics, seismic and engineering data for hydrocarbon seal assessment
3.b. AI in facies and petrophysical property predictions
3.c. Seal evaluation for CO2 sequestration and hydrogen storage
3.d. Risk assessment in seal evaluation
Plenary sessions will be organized to cover topics that are expected to be of interest for all the attendees. Poster and break-out sessions will be organized for the experts in specific topics to dig more into the details.
New Submission Deadline is 14 December 2023 .