Scientific Committee

This conference is organised with the essential support of the scientific committee members. The Committee is composed of industry specialists within the event topic's area.

AbdulKareem Al-SofiSaudi Aramco
Diederik van Batenburg*
Alan BetetaHeriot Watt University
James BrodieBP
Helber CubillosEcopetrol
Eric DelamaideIFP Canada
Panteha GhahriUK Oil and Gas Authority
Ying GuoNorce Research
Rafael HincapieOMV
Franco MasseranoEni
Ann MuggeridgeImperial College London
Pete Eilsø NielsenEquinor
Nicolas Passade-Boupat
Tina Punterveld
University of Stavanger
Ali QubianKOC
Leonid SurguchevApus Energy
