The First EAGE Workshop on the Triassic and Jurassic Plays in Northwest Europe features keynote presentations from experts to share experiences in this field.
Keynote 1: New Insights into the Sedimentology, Chronostratigraphy and Provenance of the Triassic Succession in the Central and Northern North Sea: Predictive Models for Reservoir Distribution
Adrian Hartley is Professor in Sedimentology at the University of Aberdeen. He gained his undergraduate degree from the University of Manchester and PhD from the University of Aston, Birmingham where he worked on the evolution of the Central Andes. His research is focussed on the sedimentology, stratigraphy and provenance of clastic sedimentary strata. A particular focus is applying sedimentological and stratigraphic principles from modern depositional systems to improving our understanding of subsurface resources. He has published over 200 scientific papers on these aspects. He leads a number of industry funded consortia including the Triassic Research Group at the University of Aberdeen.
Ewan Gray is a geologist with bp based in Sunbury. He has been working at bp since 2019 and on behalf of the NEP project since 2021, with specific focus on reservoir characterisation of the Bunter Sandstone Formation. He holds a PhD in Geology from the University of Aberdeen, centred on the sedimentology of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation of the CNS, an MSc Petroleum Geoscience from Imperial College London and a BSc Earth Science from the University of Glasgow.